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SuperAgent JSON22 Plugin

SuperAgent plugin providing support to JSON22 data format in your applications.


  • Ready to use SuperAgent plugin
  • Parse JSON22 body content
  • Serialize data to JSON22
  • Can be used with SuperTest
  • Both CJS/ESM modules support


npm install superagent-json22

Add plugin to a request

import superagent from 'superagent';
import { json22Plugin } from 'superagent-json22';

async function sendData() {
    try {
        return await superagent
    } catch (e) {

Old-fashioned javascript imports

const superagent = require('superagent');
const { json22Plugin } = require('superagent-json22');


Both stringify and parse methods of JSON22 accepts options. You may be interested to define such options at global level as well as with isolated client instance.

Json22RequestInterceptor accepts the next options structure

interface Json22SuperagentPluginOptions {
    json22ParseOptions?: Json22ParseOptions;
    json22StringifyOptions?: Json22StringifyOptions;

See also Json22ParseOptions and Json22StringifyOptions at JSON22 API description

Define options on each request

import superagent from 'superagent';
import { json22Plugin } from 'superagent-json22';
import { TypedModel } from './models/typed-model.js';

async function sendData() {
    try {
        return await superagent
                json22ParseOptions: { context: { TypedModel } },
    } catch (e) {

Define an agent instance plugin options

import superagent from 'superagent';
import { json22Plugin } from 'superagent-json22';
import { TypedModel } from './models/typed-model.js';

const agent = superagent.agent().use(json22Plugin({
    json22ParseOptions: { context: { TypedModel } },

async function sendData() {
    try {
        return await'').send(data);
    } catch (e) {

Using with SuperTest

SuperTest uses SuperAgent under the hood. SuperAgent isn't well isolated by SuperTest, so you can easily use any SuperAgent plugin including superagent-json22. Here is the example.

import supertest from 'supertest';
import { appFactory } from '../lib/app/appFatory.js';
import { TypedModel } from '../lib/models/typed-model.js';

suite('Response tests', () => {

    test('supertest with plugin', (done) => {
        const app = appFactory();
            .use(json22Plugin({ json22ParseOptions: { context: { TypedModel } }}))
            .then(resp => done())
