The datasets and code in this repository correspond papers published by Dana R Thomson and colleauges about the accuracy of gridded population datasets in "slums" and other deprived urban areas.
- Paper 1: Evaluating the Accuracy of Gridded Population Estimates in Slums: A Case Study in Nigeria and Kenya (2021):
- Paper 2: Improving the accuracy of gridded population estimates in cities and slums to monitor SDG 11: Evidence from a simulation study in Namibia (2022):
- Paper 3: Assessing the accuracy of gridded population data in “slums” for SDG11 monitoring using community-generated data across diverse LMIC cities (Forthcoming in 2024)
- part1_gen_data.R: Code to generate gridded and KYC population estimates, by settlement and city. OUTPUT=slums_v11.csv
- part2_kyc_accuracy.R: Code to analyze accuracy of gridded population datasets, by settlement and city. OUTPUT=error_cause_data.csv
- part3_SDG11.R: Code to genereate SDG 11.1.1 estimates from gridded population estimates vs DHS surveys . OUTPUT=sdg.csv