A Discord game about ruling a kingdom and attacking other players.
Visit https://discord.gg/ggUNQbR to play or add it to your Discord guild with https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=677394191013380116&&scope=bot
%commands to see available commands and %help for a description of how the game works.
Build 5 shrines to win the game. Shines have no other purpose.
There are two different ways to collect resources. Farms and taxes.
FARMS - Use %build farm to build a farm. Farms take 10 minutes to build. The resources each farm produce are random. If you are not happy with the amount of resources a farm collects use %destroy farm 1 to destroy your first farm then build another. You can have up to 5 farms. All farms can be built at the same time.
Taxes are collected from the citizens of your realm. The higher your population and tax rate the more taxes you will get.
Everyone starts the game with 100 population. If your happiness is above 50% then your population will grow. If it falls below 50% then population goes down. Reputation can also increase your population.
Taxes, reputation and how long ago you lost an attack all affect happiness. Happiness goes up if your taxes are low. 32.5% tax rate is about 50% happiness. A reputation below 50% makes happiness go down. If you attack someone and lose then happiness will go down for 4.0 hours.
Reputation goes down if you attack a realm much smaller than yours. Reputation slowly increases back to 50%. Attacking someone and winning increases your reputation. If you recently won an attack then your reputation can go higher than 50% which makes your population increase.
Hire soldiers with %hire 5 footmen. Soldiers consume resources every 10 minutes. Soldiers are hired from your population. Attack another realm with %attack Danimal 5 footmen. If your army defeats the other realm then they will steal 10% of their resources. If you lose an attack it wil negatively affect happiness for 4 hours. If you attack someone who is building a shrine with at least one catapult and win then the shrine will be destroyed.
The game updates every 10 minutes.