Github repository for the shearlets-based framework developed during the second year of my PhD studies, relies on the use of ShearLab3D ( to carry on video signal processing tasks.
The following is an example of the function calls needed to load a video walk-simple.avi
, resize it so that none of its sizes are greater than 160 pixels, and select only the frames from 1 to 100.
% load the video sequence
VID = load_video_to_mat('walk-simple.avi',160, 1,100);
% calculate the shearlets coefficients
COEFFS = shearlet_transform_3D(VID,46,91,[0 1 1], 3, 1);
% parameters setup
% detects spatio-temporal interesting points within a subsequence of the original video
COORDINATES = shearlet_detect_points( VID(:,:,1:91), COEFFS, [2 3], [], LOWER_THRESHOLD, SPT_WINDOW, false);
The following is an expanded example for the sake of saving a sequence from the detection process
% load the video sequence
video_filename = 'alessia_rectangle.mp4';
VID = load_video_to_mat(video_filename,160, 600,700);
% calculate the shearlets coefficients
COEFFS = shearlet_transform_3D(VID,46,91,[0 1 1], 3, 1);
% parameters setup
SCALES = [2 3];
% detects spatio-temporal interesting points within a subsequence of the original video
output_name = shearlet_create_video_outname(video_filename, SCALES, LOWER_THRESHOLD, SPT_WINDOW);
COORDINATES = shearlet_detect_points(VID(:,:,1:91), COEFFS, SCALES, [], LOWER_THRESHOLD, SPT_WINDOW, false, output_name);
At first, download:
- this repository as a ZIP file
- the ShearLab3D code from the website
Unpack the archives in a directory, then add all the source files to the MATLAB path by clicking on "Add to Path -> Selected Folder and Subfolders" in the MATLAB file browser (alternatively, you can use the addpath(genpath(your_root_folder))
in the MATLAB command prompt).
To start using the framework remember that you need to have within your MATLAB path also the video sequences you want to process.