A framework to reason about Petri nets and their unfoldings and perform model checking with LTL formulae.
This project aims to implement the great ideas and algorithms presented in the book Unfoldings (J. Esparza, K. Heljanko, 2008)*.
You can play with the model-checker in the toplevel using the examples:
open Stringnetlib;;
open String_product;;
open Examples;;
(* Plot the Petri net product *)
Plot.plot_product Prod1.prod1 ~filename:"prod1";;
Plot.plot_marking_graph Prod1.prod1 ~filename:"prod1.mark";;
(* Unfold a product *)
open StringProductUnfolder
let u = Unfolder.unfold 10 Prod1.prod1;;
Plot.plot_unfold u ~filename:"prod1.unfold"
(* This formula says: "the place p3 can be visited infinitely often" *)
let phi = FormulaParser.parse "G F p3";;
(* Test the LTL formula on the Petri net *)
open String_ltl.StringNetfullsync;;
test Prod1.prod1 phi;;
(* Ok true *)