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add module for frozen moist static energy budget (for RCEMIP)
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New namelist section:
lmsebudg = .true.  ! true to turn on the budget, false by default
dtav               ! how often to compute and write statistics

by Stephan de Roode and Fredrik Jansson

Currently missing the MSE variance budget output, and
the possibility to do time-averaging over multiple samples.
Output is a 2D field, written to
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fjansson committed Nov 8, 2023
1 parent dbcfcb1 commit 55c41d0
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276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions src/modmsebudg.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
!> \file modmsebudg.f90
!! Compute moist static energy budget
!! as required by RCE-MIP experiments
!! The statistics is done in two steps, msebudg1 is called before tstep_integrate,
!! msebudg2 is called after tstep_integrate.
!! \author Stephan de Roode
!! \author Fredrik Jansson

module modmsebudg
use modglobal, only : longint
use modprecision, only : longint, field_r

implicit none
PUBLIC :: initmsebudg, msebudg1, msebudg2, exitmsebudg

integer :: Nmse_2D = 4
real(field_r), allocatable :: mse0(:,:,:) !< rcemip, moist static energy
real(field_r), allocatable :: msem(:,:,:)
real(field_r), allocatable :: field_mse_2D(:,:,:)

logical :: lmsebudg = .false. !< switch to enable the MSE budget (on/off)
real :: dtav
integer(kind=longint) :: idtav,tnext

!NetCDF variables
integer,parameter :: nmsevar = 4
integer :: ncid2,ncid3,nrec2 = 0, nrec3 = 0
character(80) :: fname = ''
character(80),dimension(nmsevar,4) :: ncmsename
character(80),dimension(1,4) :: tmsencname


subroutine initmsebudg
use modmpi, only :myid,comm3d,myidx,myidy,d_mpi_bcast
use modglobal,only :i1,ih,j1,jh,k1,imax,jmax,cexpnr,ifnamopt,fname_options,dtmax,dtav_glob,ladaptive,dt_lim,btime,tres
use modstat_nc,only : lnetcdf,open_nc, define_nc,ncinfo,writestat_dims_nc
implicit none
integer :: ierr

namelist/NAMMSEBUDG/ &

read (ifnamopt,NAMMSEBUDG,iostat=ierr)
if (ierr > 0) then
print *, 'Problem in namoptions NAMMSEBUDG'
print *, 'iostat error: ', ierr
stop 'ERROR: Problem in namoptions NAMMSEBUDG'
write(6 ,NAMMSEBUDG)
end if
call D_MPI_BCAST(dtav ,1, 0, comm3d,ierr)
call D_MPI_BCAST(lmsebudg ,1, 0, comm3d,ierr)
idtav = int(dtav/tres,longint)
tnext = idtav +btime

if(.not.(lmsebudg)) return

dt_lim = min(dt_lim,tnext)

if (.not. ladaptive .and. abs(dtav/dtmax-nint(dtav/dtmax))>1e-4) then
stop 'dtav should be an integer multiple of dtmax'
end if

allocate(field_mse_2D(2-ih:i1+ih,2-jh:j1+jh,Nmse_2D ))

write(fname,'(A,i3.3,A,i3.3,A)') 'mse_budget.', myidx, '.', myidy, '' !rce table 6 2D hourly averaged variables
fname(20:22) = cexpnr
call ncinfo(tmsencname(1,:),'time','Time','s','time')
call ncinfo(ncmsename( 1,:),'fmse' ,'mass-weighted vertical integral of frozen moist static energy','J/m2','tt0t')
call ncinfo(ncmsename( 2,:),'hadvmse' ,'mass-weighted vertical integral of horizontal advective tendency of frozen moist static energy','J/m2/','tt0t')
call ncinfo(ncmsename( 3,:),'vadvmse' ,'mass-weighted vertical integral of vertical advective tendency of frozen moist static energy','J/m2/s','tt0t')
call ncinfo(ncmsename( 4,:),'tnfmse' ,'total tendency of mass-weighted vertical integral of frozen moist static energy','J/m2/s','tt0t')
! call ncinfo(ncmsename( 5,:),'tnfmsevar','total tendency of spatial variance of mass-weighted vertical integral of frozen moist static energy','J2/m4/s','tt0t')

call open_nc(fname, ncid3,nrec3,n1=imax,n2=jmax)
if (nrec3==0) then
call define_nc( ncid3, 1, tmsencname)
call writestat_dims_nc(ncid3)
end if
call define_nc( ncid3, nmsevar, ncmsename)

end subroutine initmsebudg

! call one of the advection functions to advect a scalar
subroutine advect_scalar(a_in, a_out, iadv)
use modglobal, only: i1,ih,j1,jh,k1,iadv_cd2,iadv_5th,iadv_52, &
iadv_cd6,iadv_62,iadv_kappa, &

use advec_2nd, only : advecc_2nd
use advec_52, only : advecc_52
use advec_5th, only : advecc_5th
use advec_62, only : advecc_62
use advec_6th, only : advecc_6th
use advec_hybrid, only : advecc_hybrid
use advec_hybrid_f, only : advecc_hybrid_f
use advec_kappa, only : advecc_kappa
use advec_upw, only : advecc_upw
implicit none

real(field_r), dimension(2-ih:i1+ih,2-jh:j1+jh,k1), intent(in) :: a_in !< Input: the cell centered field
real(field_r), dimension(2-ih:i1+ih,2-jh:j1+jh,k1), intent(inout) :: a_out !< Output: the tendency
integer :: iadv

select case(iadv)
call advecc_2nd(a_in,a_out)
call advecc_5th(a_in,a_out)
call advecc_52(a_in,a_out)
call advecc_6th(a_in,a_out)
call advecc_62(a_in,a_out)
call advecc_kappa(a_in,a_out)
call advecc_hybrid(a_in,a_out)
call advecc_hybrid_f(a_in,a_out)
case default
stop "Unknown advection scheme "
end select
end subroutine advect_scalar

! Step 1 of MSE budget. Called before tstep_integrate.
subroutine msebudg1
use modglobal, only : ih,i1,jh,j1,k1,dzf,iadv_thl, &
use modfields, only : rhobf,tmp0,qt0,ql0,u0,v0,w0
use modmpi, only : excjs

integer k

real(field_r), allocatable :: msep(:,:,:), &
u0_save(:,:,:), & !container for u
v0_save(:,:,:), & !container for v
w0_save(:,:,:) !container for w

if (.not. lmsebudg) return
if(timee<tnext) return

if (rk3step==1) then
! start of first substep.
! qt0 = qtm, etc
! save msem - value at start of this full time step

field_mse_2D = 0 ! reset all

do k=1,k1
msem(:,:,k) = cp * tmp0(:,:,k) + grav * zf(k) + rlv * (qt0(:,:,k) - ql0(:,:,k))
field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,4) = field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,4) + rhobf(k) * dzf(k) * msem (2:i1,2:j1,k) ! m-field for total tendency
end do
!write (*,*) '*** MSE1 step:', rk3step, 'time:', timee
end if

if (rk3step==3) then
! start of 3rd substep
! tendencies at this point are used to do the final step
allocate( &
msep (2-ih:i1+ih,2-jh:j1+jh,k1), &
u0_save (2-ih:i1+ih,2-jh:j1+jh,k1), &
v0_save (2-ih:i1+ih,2-jh:j1+jh,k1), &
w0_save (2-ih:i1+ih,2-jh:j1+jh,k1), &

do k=1,k1
! don't need to calculate for ghost cells here - probably their tmp,ql is not right
mse0(:,:,k) = cp * tmp0(:,:,k) + grav * zf(k) + rlv * (qt0(:,:,k) - ql0(:,:,k))
end do

call excjs(mse0, 2,i1,2,j1,1,k1,ih,jh) ! get mse halo for advection

u0_save = u0
v0_save = v0
w0_save = w0

w0 = 0
msep = 0
!advect uv
call advect_scalar(mse0, msep, iadv_thl)

do k=1,k1
field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,2) = field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,2) + rhobf(k) * dzf(k) * msep(2:i1,2:j1,k) ! horizontal adv tend

w0 = w0_save
u0 = 0
v0 = 0
msep = 0
! advect w
call advect_scalar(mse0, msep, iadv_thl)
do k=1,k1
field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,3) = field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,3) + rhobf(k) * dzf(k) * msep(2:i1,2:j1,k) ! vertical adv tend

u0 = u0_save
v0 = v0_save

deallocate (msep,u0_save,v0_save,w0_save)
!write (*,*) '*** MSE1 step:', rk3step, 'time:', timee
end if

end subroutine msebudg1

! Step 2 of MSE budget. Called after tstep_integrate.
subroutine msebudg2
use modglobal, only : i1,j1,k1,imax,jmax,rdt,dzf,&
use modfields, only : rhobf,tmp0,qt0,ql0
use modstat_nc, only : lnetcdf, writestat_nc
implicit none

integer k
real, allocatable :: vars(:,:,:)

if (.not. lmsebudg) return
if (rk3step/=3) return

if(timee<tnext) then
dt_lim = min(dt_lim,tnext-timee)
end if

tnext = tnext+idtav
dt_lim = min(dt_lim, tnext-timee)

do k=1,k1
mse0(:,:,k) = cp * tmp0(:,:,k) + grav * zf(k) + rlv * (qt0(:,:,k) - ql0(:,:,k))
field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,1) = field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,1) + rhobf(k) * dzf(k) * mse0(2:i1,2:j1,k) ! current value from 0-field
end do

field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,4) = (field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,1) - field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,4)) / rdt ! total tendency = (mse0-msem)/dt

if (lnetcdf) then

vars(1:imax,1:jmax,:) = field_mse_2D (2:i1,2:j1,:)

call writestat_nc(ncid3,1,tmsencname,(/rtimee/),nrec3,.true.)
call writestat_nc(ncid3,nmsevar,ncmsename,vars,nrec3,imax,jmax)
end if

!write (*,*) '*** MSE2 step:', rk3step, 'time:', timee, 'rdt:', rdt
end subroutine msebudg2

subroutine exitmsebudg
use modstat_nc, only : exitstat_nc,lnetcdf
implicit none

if(.not.(lmsebudg)) return


if(lmsebudg .and. lnetcdf) call exitstat_nc(ncid3)
end subroutine exitmsebudg

end module modmsebudg
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/program.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ program DALES
use modbudget, only : initbudget, budgetstat, exitbudget
use modheterostats, only : initheterostats, heterostats, exitheterostats
use modvarbudget, only : initvarbudget, varbudget, exitvarbudget
use modmsebudg, only : initmsebudg, msebudg1, msebudg2, exitmsebudg
! modules below are disabled by default to improve compilation time
!use modstress, only : initstressbudget, stressbudgetstat, exitstressbudget

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,6 +190,7 @@ program DALES
call initbulkmicrostat
call initbudget
call initvarbudget
call initmsebudg
!call initstressbudget
! call initchem
call initheterostats
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,6 +263,8 @@ program DALES
call poisson
call samptend(tend_pois,lastterm=.true.)

call msebudg1

! Apply tendencies to all variables
call tstep_integrate
! NOTE: the tendencies are not zeroed yet, but kept for analysis and statistcis
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -298,6 +302,7 @@ program DALES
call bulkmicrostat
call budgetstat
call varbudget
call msebudg2
!call stressbudgetstat
call heterostats

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -326,6 +331,7 @@ program DALES
call exitbulkmicrostat
call exitbudget
call exitvarbudget
call exitmsebudg
!call exitstressbudget
call exitcrosssection
call exitAGScross
Expand Down

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