Code for the paper, Efficient Coding in the Economics of Human Brain Connectomics.
platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
arch x86_64
os linux-gnu
system x86_64, linux-gnu
language R
version R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02)
MATLAB: (R2014b)
Download the Brain Connectivity Toolbox
Download polyfix
Download spin test
Download GenLouvain
Move to /scripts/
Dale Zhou (dalezhou [at]
├── data <- Data goes here.
├── figures <- Figures for manuscript.
│ ├── fig1
│ ├── fig2
│ ├── fig3
│ ├── fig4
│ ├── fig5
│ ├── fig6
│ ├── fig7
│ ├── fig8
│ ├── supplement
├── scripts <- Downloaded functions go here
├── fig1.R <- CBF vs CMRGlu.
├── fig2.R <- CBF of paths.
├── fig3.R <- CBF/network structure trade-offs.
├── fig4_randomVsBrainRD.m <- Rate-distortion function.
├── fig4.R <- Compression eff vs age*sex.
├── fig5_resourceEfficiencyConcatenate.R <- Send/rcv compression eff.
├── fig5_fitRD.m <- Individual compression eff.
├── fig5.R <- Random walk vs chemotaxis.
├── fig6.R <- High & low fidelity regimes.
├── fig7.R <- Send/rcv vs scaling, myelin.
├── fig7_atlasCorrelations.m <- Spin test for spatial corr.
├── fig8_preprocessRegional.m <- Regional send/recv compression eff.
├── fig8.R <- Rich-club hubs & speed-accuracy.
├── resource_efficiency_wei.m <- Resource efficiency for WU networks.
├── supplement_richClubCBF.R <- CBF of rich-club vs non-rich-club.
├── supplement_subnetworks.R <- Yeo 7 subnetwork levels.
- fig1.R
- fig2.R
- fig3.R
- fig4.R
- fig4_randomVsBrainRD.m
- fig5_resourceEfficiencyConcatenate.R
- fig5_fitRD.m
- fig5.R
- fig6.R
- fig7.R
- fig7_atlasCorrelations.m
- fig8_preprocessRegional.m
- fig8.R
- supplement_richClubCBF.R
- supplement_subnetworks.R
Will need cluster for extra memory for some of these steps, such as Fig 2.
qlogin -q qlogin.himem.q -l h_vmem=15G,s_vmem=15G