Code for the paper, Mindfulness Promotes Control of Brain Network Dynamics for Self-Regulation and Discontinues the Past from the Present
platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
arch x86_64
os linux-gnu
system x86_64, linux-gnu
language R
version R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
MATLAB: (R2020a)
Download the network controllability and control code
Dale Zhou (dalezhou [at]
├── data <- Data goes here.
├── figures <- Figures for manuscript.
├── results <- Results/intermediate files.
├── fig2.R <- Average controllabiltiy vs. drinking
├── fig3_dataPrep.R <- Prep EMA data
├── fig3_controlAnalysis.m <- Run network control and stability
├── fig3_analyzePlot.R <- Group diffs in control metrics
├── fig4.R <- Timescale correlation with control metrics
├── supplement_controlMetrics.R <- Correlations among control metrics
├── supplemental_lmAttentionImpulsivity.R <- Attention impulsivity & emotion regulation
├── supplemental_multiLevelAttentionImpulsivity.R <- Attention impulsivity & drinking
- fig2.R
- fig3_dataPrep.R
- fig3_controlAnalysis.m
- fig3_analyzePlot.R
- fig4.R
- supplement_controlMetrics.R
- supplemental_lmAttentionImpulsivity.R
- supplemental_multiLevelAttentionImpulsivity.R
Will need cluster to prepare inputs for fig4.R
qlogin -q qlogin.himem.q -l h_vmem=15G,s_vmem=15G