CELT-Ruby is a Ruby Gem for working with the CELT Audio Codec. CELT-Ruby uses the Ruby-FFI extension to wrap the native CELT library code. This means that you must have CELT installed in order for this gem to work.
This gem was designed to fill a specific role in another one of my projects. As a result, the feature set is relatively small compared to the native libraries. However, I will accept any pull requests with additional functionality should someone need it.
What this library can do:
Encode raw audio to CELT
Ruby >= 1.9.2
CELT 0.7 Library
[sudo] gem install celt-ruby
# Create new encoder with a sample rate of 48 kHz, a frame size of 480 bytes and 1 channel encoder = Celt::Encoder.new 48000, 480, 1, [60000 / 800, 127].min # Set the prediction request to 0 encoder.prediction_request = 0 # Set the VBR rate to 60,000 encoder.vbr_rate = 60000 # Return the bitstream version for this version of CELT encoder.bitstream_version # Encode some raw audio encoded = encoder.encode raw_audio # Safely destroy encoder encoder.destroy