UCF Tower Defense is a game where UCF students battle to save their grades against professors of UCF. Unlike competitors like Bloons Tower Defense and Plants vs. Zombies, UCF Tower Defense provides an inclusive format that UCF students can relate to beyond a superficial level, such as levels that look like campus and enemies that look like professors. This will allow our Knights to feel at home even during the Zoom University era. Additionally, UCF Tower Defense offers easily understandable gameplay and a free-to-play environment. These features will present the player with a unique, entertaining experience that they could not find elsewhere. Go Knights, Charge On!!!
Trello Board (Backlogs and Requirements)
Product Demonstration for Sprint 2
Product Demonstration for Sprint 3
Product Demonstration for Sprint 4
Product Demonstration for Sprint 5
Product Demonstration for Sprint 6
Product Demonstration for Sprint 7
Product Demonstration for Sprint 8
Nicholas Nachowicz
Denielle Abaquita
Kirk Matthews (Matthews242)
Christopher Foreman
Recleph Mere
Nicholas Nachowicz:
- Add minimum of 3 User Stories to the product backlog
- Install Unity and verify that it works on local environment
- Connect Unity to GitHub repository
Denielle Abaquita:
- Add minimum of 3 User Stories to the product backlog
- Create Trello Board, Google Docs, and Google Sheets for resources
- Install Unity and verify that it works on local environment
- Connect Unity to GitHub repository
Kirk Matthews (Matthews242):
- Add minimum of 3 User Stories to the product backlog
- Adjusted sprint and product backlogs to reflect what was worked on during the week
- Added requirements to the Trello Board
- Work on Velocity Chart and Burndown Chart with group
- Installed Unity and confirmed that project runs as expected on local environemnt
Christopher Foreman:
- Add minimum of 3 User Stories to the product backlog
- Install Unity and verify that it works on local environment
Recleph Mere:
- Add minimum of 3 User Stories to the product backlog
- Organize the product backlog and sprint backlog based on priority
- Add Requirements to Trello Board
- Work on Velocity Chart and Burndown Chart with group
- Install Unity & Connect Unity to github repository
- Ensure Unity development enviornment is in working state
Nicholas Nachowicz:
- U021
- Enemy sprites
- System Architecture
Denielle Abaquita:
- Tower sprites
- Map graphics
- System Architecture
Kirk Matthews (Matthews242):
- System Architecture
Christopher Foreman:
- System Architecture
Recleph Mere:
- Fixed a UI Bug causing different aspect ratios to display incorrect button placement
- Added Background Music and SFX to Main Menu
- Added Settings Menu and audio configurations
- Added Keyboard & Joystick capability to the Main Menu
Nicholas Nachowicz:
- U021, U023
- Enemy Sprites
- Tower Sprites
- Gridmap for tower placement
- Gridmap test
- Updated the UI diagram
Denielle Abaquita:
- U024, U021
- Build skeleton for level design and gameplay
- Map Graphics
- Tower Sprites
- Update the UML Diagrams
Kirk Matthews (Matthews242):
- U006, U024, U020
Christopher Foreman:
- Created Automated Tests for game classes
Recleph Mere:
- U020, U003
- Fix Audio and Animation bugs on menu and settings screen
- Refactor animation script
Nicholas Nachowicz:
- U003, U005, U018, U021, U023
- Enemy Sprites
- Tower Buy menu
- Tower Placement Visuals
Denielle Abaquita:
- Tower Sprites
- Map graphics
- Enemy AI and health
Kirk Matthews (Matthews242):
- U018, U028
- Tower buy menu
- In-game UI shell
- Enemy handling
Christopher Foreman:
- Sprite path creation
- Enemy sprite path follower
Recleph Mere:
- Tower Placement Logic
- Game Audio Control
Nicholas Nachowicz:
- U021, U022
- Map tilesets
- Tower selection menu and placement
Denielle Abaquita:
- U021, U029, U030
- Map tilesets
- Major Class Refactoring
Kirk Matthews (Matthews242):
- U001, U029, U030
- Audio Control
- Major Class Refactoring
- Health and Money UI
Christopher Foreman:
- U014, U015
- Firebase cloud function integration
- User account creation
Recleph Mere:
- U001, U022
- Enable All Towers to be Placed on Map
- Work on Making Towers Attack Enemy Sprites
Nicholas Nachowicz:
- U021
- Design Pub Map/Scene
Denielle Abaquita:
- U007, U025
- Design GreekRow Map/Scene
- Implement Tower costs
Kirk Matthews (Matthews242):
- U007, U008
- Enemy spawning
Christopher Foreman:
- U014, U015
- Functionality for updating user xp and highscore
- Tests for user creation, user methods
- Database security logic
Recleph Mere (KilluaxGonx):
- U031, U032
- Projectile used for towers
- Tower Sprites Attack Enemey Sprites
Nicholas Nachowicz:
- U021
- Tower Placement PUB map
- Tower Placement CB2 map
- Design PUB map
Denielle Abaquita:
- U021, U010, U020
- Tower unlocks based on level
- Student Union map and scene
Kirk Matthews (Matthews242):
- U010, U026
- Wave spawning bug fixes
- Tower unlocks based on level
Christopher Foreman:
- U014, U015
- Created Login UI
- Created Signup UI
- Finished user signup/login
Recleph Mere (KilluaxGonx):
- U031
- Fixed Bug were Towers could be placed on Tower Selection Menu
- Fixed Bug were draggable sprite disappeared but user could still place Towers
- Added new function to cancel Tower placement using Esc key
- Added new function that disables Tower placement when selection menu is open
- Towers Sprites now fire projectiles at Enemy Sprites
- Tower Sprites now damage Enemy Sprites
Nicholas Nachowicz:
- U032
- Game balancing with points and damage
- Fixed various game bugs with towers and maps
- Created unique tower projectiles
Denielle Abaquita:
- U017, U011, U026, U016, U013
- Finalize all remaining map scenes
- Game balancing with points and damage
- Refactored Wave Spawning for both Adventure and Survival modes
- Added background music to each map scene
Kirk Matthews (Matthews242):
- U013, U027, U016, U026, U011
- Tailored invidual waves for adventure mode and game balancing with Denielle
- Made survival mode throw random waves at you until your inevitable death
- Updated map selection
- Worked on victory conditions and related algorithms
Christopher Foreman:
- U014, U015
- Created User model syncing client with database
- Created cloud function setHighestWave
- Created cloud function addXP
- Created cloud function unlockLevel
Recleph Mere (KilluaxGonx):
- U032
- Add SFX to Enemey and projectile objects
- Fix projectiles orientations when thrown by Enemies
- Fix projectile being stuck on map after missing Enemy objects
- Add settings menu to each map
- Update settings menu to change global audio
- Fix layer issue on game maps