d4rkpl4y3r Avatar Optimizer 2.0.0
Install in VCC by adding the https://d4rkc0d3r.github.io/vpm-repos/main.json
repo url as a custom repo in the settings.
- Add option to merge simple toggles in the fx layer into one big direct blend tree.
- Optimizer is now a VPM & UPM compatible package.
- A crash in the optimize function will now show an error message that when clicked opens a link to the github issue tracker.
- Add option to merge blendshapes that get animated in a fixed ratio to each other.
- Remove blendshapes that only have animations animating them to 0 if the initial weight on the mesh is also 0.
- Show change in total blendshape count under the perf rank change section.
- Add warning if the avatar has extra animators. The optimizer only supports the custom playable layers.
- Add warning if the avatar has layer masks in the animators and the delete unused gameobjects option is enabled.
- Texture Compression Analyzer now only shows SSIM by default to reduce clutter.
- Detect DPS penetrators and stop them from getting merged into other meshes.
- Merge static meshes as skinned meshes now only merges if it results in a decrease in material count.
- Foldouts can now be toggled by clicking on the label text too.
- Delete unused GameObjects is now disabled by default if the avatar has any layer masks in the animators.
- Remove
#pragma skip_optimizations
from the generated shaders. - Progress bar updates continuously while shaders get parsed.
Bug Fixes
- Fix ring finger to foot collider having half the size from VRChat update 2023.1.2.
- Fix crash when a material swap gets merged into a blob of meshes and its mesh index is non-zero. (more)
- Fix always converting vertex colors to full float32 instead of using unorm8 if it was already unorm8.
- Fix crash when eye look blendshape IDs were greater or equal than the actual number of blendshapes.
- Fix jaw flap blendshape getting deleted.