- Netflix Frontend [https://netflix-divyanshu.vercel.app/browse]
- Netflix Backend https://netflix-divyanshu-server.vercel.app/api
Give a brief description of the project. What was the reason or motivation behind the creation of the project?
- User Authentication
- Content Catalog
- Search Functionality
- Video Playback
- Multiple Profiles
- Recommendation System: Recommnedation from the searched and played movies
- Watchlist
- Responsive Design
List the tools and technologies used to build the project.
- This Single Page Application is built using React JS Library.
- For Styling I am using Tailwind CSS and Styled Component(
) - The state managemment is handled using Redux Library.
- Using
for Routing in the application. - Firebase Auth for Identity Access Management.
- Used Firebase Firestore DB for saving the user information.
- Used NextJS API and Node for API Routes
- Used TMDB(Third Party API), for having the Movies and Videos data to make Netflix
- Using Youtube Video Player(Iframe) to play videos in the Netflix Application.
- Used
library for Error Handling using Error Boundary - Used Vercel to deploy the application and also CI/CD Pipeline.
- Handle the asynchronous features using
(Asynchronous State management). - Offline View Handling
- Handle the Route based modal and work on navigation fixes.
The design patterns implemented and code styles used.
- Implementing API for securing Keys: Handled the API Calling using the Next JS API as Backend, which lets us to hide the API Key from client side, not providing it to the client.
- Using ENV Variables: Saving the crutial variables of the firebase configuration in the Environment Variables Passed from the Vercel.
- Implemented the CSP policy in the base HTML: Other scripts and origins are blocked. Helping the CLient Side Scripting Error.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="
default-src 'self';
frame-src https://www.youtube.com/;
img-src data: https: http:;
script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://vercel.live/_next-live/feedback/feedback.js https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com https://va.vercel-scripts.com;
style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';
connect-src 'self' https://netflix-divyanshu-server.vercel.app http://localhost:3000 https://firestore.googleapis.com/ https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com https://corsproxy.org https://securetoken.googleapis.com;" />
- Implementing API to solve the CORS error: Handled the API Calling using the Next JS API as Backend for handling the CORS.
- Implemented Firebase Auth: Handle the authentication of the Firebase Auth SDK, to enable the authenticated user to use the netflix application.
- Optimised the application, by reducing the API calls by 300%. We handled TMDB API Requests from the Backend Side.
- Implemented
for images in the react applicaiton.
- Using Error Boundary for handling the error in different components
- Catching the Anonymous Page in the
with 404 page.
Application is working in two different language, using the transalation config.
I built this project entirely by myself. I initially started working on it by taking the Namaste React course. Later, I added numerous features on my own to optimize the entire application for better performance and security.
Add any license agreement information. Example (MIT, Apache).
Screenshots of the Application