Don't let stalled downloads slow you down. With TidyArr, you can automate the process of removing inactive items from your *Arr endpoints to keep your downloads tidy.
- Monitors torrents added to qBittorrent by *Arr
- Removes items identified as inactive torrents
- Notifies the *Arr endpoint that the item has failed
- If the *Arr endpoint is configured properly, then a different copy will be added to be acquired
- Uses asynchronous calls for fast performance
- Uses weighted scoring and exponential growth/decay to determine which items should be removed
- Stores the state of the script in a TinyDB JSON file
- Logs the decisions the script is making for debugging
- Uses environment variables to set the:
- hostname or IP address, port, username, and password of the qBittorrent API
- URL and API key for any number of *Arr endpoints
- optional customization of the script interval, inactive threshold, and log level
- Features
- Description
- Getting Started
- Environment Variables
- Obligatory Diagrams
- Contributing
- Credits
- License
TidyArr is a Python script that helps you manage your torrents in qBittorrent. It works with Radarr and Sonarr to remove torrents that are not actively downloading. When TidyArr identifies an inactive torrent, it will tell Radarr or Sonarr that the item has failed. If Radarr or Sonarr is set up to redownload a new torrent when an item fails, it will do so.
Inactive torrents are defined as items that are not actively downloading. We use conditions to check for these items and use weighted scoring and exponential growth/decay to determine which items should be removed.
This is a passion project to learn Python and solve some challenges I've encountered. I searched for a long time for a good script that removed stalled downloads, but they either didn't have a means of accumulating inactivity, or didn't have a way to decay the inactivity if a torrent became available. I presume this will work with any of the *arr apps, but I've only personally tested it on Radarr and Sonarr.
I'm sure there are better variables to monitor, different weights to apply and perhaps a more robust way of calculating inactivity - but this has been good'nuff for me.
I'll probably continue tinkering - since that's who I am - but largely this is as is for now. I can make a list of wish list items, but I don't expect to achieve all or any of them anytime soon.
- Add unit testing for testing resiliency
- Change the inactivity formula to account for current progress and minimize the hit to the inactivity if the download is near completion.
- Add additional torrent client support
- Build this script into a Docker container
- Revisit all logging output to ensure standardization
- Create a way to capture torrent metrics for use in ML training
- Experiment with ML to determine a better growth and decay formula
- Build an ML model that can predict if a download is likely to finish
- Auto-Updater
The script runs continuously and performs the following steps:
- Get data from qBittorrent
- Get data from each endpoint
- Merge the data from each endpoint with the data from qBittorrent
- Compare the new data with the existing data in the database and separate it into 3 categories:
Missing Items:
Items not in the endpoint, but in the databaseNew Items:
Items in the endpoint, but not in the databaseExisting Items:
Items in the database and endpoint. Evaluate for inactivity and break it into two categories:Active Items:
Items may have had inactivity scores addedInactive Items:
Items that have breached the inactivity threshold
- Update the database with the
New Items
andActive Items
data - Notify the endpoint to remove
items - Remove any
Items from the database - Wait for a specified interval before starting the process again (Default: 10 minutes)
- If the qbittorrent status is "metaDL"
- If the inactiveCount is above 1 and filesize has not changed, start to snowball the inactivity counter
- If the qbittorrent status is "stalledDL" and
- the sizeleft has not changed
- has peers with a value of 0
- has seeds with a value of 0
- availability is less than 0.1
We then take the difference between the original inactive count and the updated inactive count - and reduce the difference by the % that the file is completed. This should encourage us to keep files that are near completion.
- If the existing item has an inactiveCount above 1, and the sizeleft has changed, then we halve the inactiveCounter.
If an item's inactiveCounter is greater than or equal to the INACTIVE_THRESHOLD, then we add it to the inactive_items list.
Clone the TidyArr repository from GitHub:
git clone
Install the required dependencies by running the following command in the root directory of the cloned repository:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set the required environment variables as described in the README file. You can set these environment variables using the command line or by adding them to a
file in the root directory of the script.π‘
You can get an example copy from this repo: -
Run the TidyArr script by running the following command in the root directory of the script:
If there are any problems during execution, you can change the log level to debug and review the log: TidyArr.log which should be saved in the same directory as the script.
The following environment variables must be set:
Endpoint items are special because we can add as many endpoints as we need. We use the naming convention "ENDPOINT_{name}URL" and "ENDPOINT{name}_API_KEY" to specify the URL and API key for each endpoint.
Environment Variable | Description |
The URL of the Sonarr or Radarr endpoint with the name {name} . |
The API key for the Sonarr or Radarr endpoint with the name {name} . |
Environment Variable | Description |
The hostname or IP address of the qBittorrent API. |
The port of the qBittorrent API. |
The username of the qBittorrent API. |
The password of the qBittorrent API. |
The following environment variables can optionally be set:
Environment Variable | Description | Default Value |
The interval at which the script should run, in seconds. | 600 |
The number of inactivity points an item must have before it is removed. | 72 |
The log level to use. WARNING events are all related to items being inactive. To see general details of all items, change this to INFO . To see all JSON parsing and filtering, you can change this to DEBUG . |
# Radarr endpoint URL and API key
# Sonarr endpoint URL and API key
# QBittorrent settings
# Script settings (Optional)
graph TD
A[Retrieve data from multiple API endpoints] --> |Endpoint Data|B(Merge endpoint data with qBittorrent data);
J[Retrieve data from qBittorrent client] --> |qBittorent Data|B;
B --> C{Compare with existing data};
C --> |New item| D(Upsert new data into database);
C --> |Existing item| E(Evaulate if existing item is inactive);
C --> |Missing item| F(Remove missing data from database);
E --> |Inactive item| G(Remove inactive data from endpoint and database);
D --> H;
E --> |Active Item| H;
F --> H;
G --> H(Update database pool);
H --> I(Wait until next cycle);
int id
varchar(255) title
varchar(255) status
int sizeleft
int inactiveCount
varchar(255) downloadId
varchar(255) name
int availability
varchar(255) state
int num_seeds
int num_leeches
int progress
int availability
string downloadId
int id
int inactiveCount
bool matched
string name
int peers
int percentage_completed
string qb_status
int seeds
float sizeleft
string status
string timestamp
string title
ENDPOINT ||--o{ TINYDB : contains
QBITTORRENT ||--o{ TINYDB : contains
Thank you for considering contributing to this project! Please follow the guidelines below to ensure a smooth contribution process.
If you find a bug, please open an issue on the project's GitHub repository. Please include a clear and detailed description of the bug, debug logs and any relevant screenshots or error messages.
Here are the steps to capture logs:
- Set the LOG_LEVEL variable in the script settings to DEBUG.
- Reproduce the issue you are experiencing.
- Locate the log file in the project directory. The default log file name is tidyarr.log.
- Include the relevant log entries in your bug report or support request.
- Please note that setting the LOG_LEVEL variable to DEBUG will generate a lot of log output, so be sure to set it back to WARNING or ERROR when you are finished debugging.
If you have an idea for a new feature or improvement, please open an issue on the project's GitHub repository. Please include a clear and detailed description of the feature, why it would be useful, and any relevant examples or use cases.
If you would like to contribute code changes, please follow these steps:
- Fork the project's GitHub repository.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes and commit them with clear and concise commit messages.
- Push your changes to your forked repository.
- Open a pull request on the project's GitHub repository, with a clear and detailed description of your changes.
Please note that all contributions will be reviewed by the project maintainers, and may be rejected or require changes before being merged. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by the project's code of conduct.
This project was inspired by and built upon the work of the developers of Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr and all the other *arr programs. We would like to thank them for their hard work and dedication to creating open-source software that makes managing media collections easier and more enjoyable.
We would also like to thank the many contributors to these projects, who have helped to improve and maintain them over the years. Without their hard work and dedication, this project would not be possible.
Thank you to all the developers and contributors who have made the *arr ecosystem what it is today!
- Python
- VSCode
- Github Copilot
- TinyDB
- qBittorrent-API
- GPL3
- Copyright 2023