A c# tool to wrap API for Line Notify
- just instantiate a empty LineNotifyOptions and IHttpClientFactory
IOptions<LineNotifyOptions> optionParameter = Options.Create(new LineNotifyOptions());
IHttpClientFactory clinetFatory = new ServiceCollection()
- instantiate LineNotifySender with LineNotifyOptions and IHttpClientFactory
LineNotifySender sender = new LineNotifySender(optionParameter, clinetFatory);
- call NotifyMessageAsync with token and message
string access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var result = sender.NotifyMessageAsync(access_token, "Hello World!!").Result;
- to send sticker[https://developers.line.biz/en/docs/messaging-api/sticker-list/#sticker-definitions]
string access_token = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";
var result = sender.NotifyMessageAsync(access_token, "Hello World!!", PackageID, StickerID).Result;
- acquire client_id/client_secrect from line notify offical page, and setup callbackurl correctly(e.g. https://localhost:5000/Home/Parse)
- modify appsettings.json
"LineNotifyOptions": {
"ClientId": "YOUR_CLIEND_ID",
"ClinetSecret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
"CallbackUrl": "YOUR_CALLBACK_URL"
//"BotBaseUrl": "https://notify-bot.line.me/",
//"NotifyBaseUrl": "https://notify-api.line.me/",
//"NamedClient" : "YOUR_HTTP_CLIENT_NAME"
- inject LineNotifySender to service
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
/// LineNotifySender need HttpClientFactory
services.AddScoped<ILineNotifySender, LineNotifySender>();
- when a user click {connect line}, generate a secret and compose the url, then redirect to it
public IActionResult ConnectLine()
string state = GenearteSecrectStringAndStore()
string url = _notifySender.GenerateAuthorizeUrl(state);
return Redirect(url);
- when user agree, line will redirect the callbackurl with code & state, use authorize code to get access token, and keep access token
public async Task<IActionResult> Parse(string code, string state)
int id = GetCurrentUserId();
string secret = GetPreviousSecrect();
/// check secret to avoid attack
if (state != secret)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
/// in case user resend request
/// acquired access token
LineResponse<GetAccessTokenResponse> response = await _notifySender.GetAccessTokenAsync(code);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
/// stroe accessToken with current User
_repository.ConnectLine(id, response.Body.access_token);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
- for sending message to user, just retrieve access token and send to it
public async Task<IActionResult> Hello(int id)
UserModel model = _repository.GetUser(id);
LineResponse<LineBaseResponseBody> response = await _notifySender.NotifyMessageAsync(model.AccessToken, "Hello World");
return RedirectToAction("Index");
- or revoke user acess token
public async Task<IActionResult> Revoke(int id)
UserModel model = _repository.GetUser(id);
LineResponse<LineBaseResponseBody> response = await _notifySender.RevokeAuthorizationAsync(model.AccessToken);
/// if the access token has been revoked, the result will be 401 Unauthorized
if (response.Success || response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
- if you need the callbackUrl is called via GET
string url = _notifySender.GenerateAuthorizeUrl(state, false);
- if you have registered multiple callbackUrls, and you need different callbackUrl by condition
/// assign callbackUrl parameter when generate AuthorizeUrl
string url = _notifySender.GenerateAuthorizeUrl(state, true, YOUR_ANOTHER_CALLBACK);
/// and assign same callbackUrl in GetAccessTokenAsync
LineResponse<GetAccessTokenResponse> response = await _notifySender.GetAccessTokenAsync(code, YOUR_ANOTHER_CALLBACK);
- to use named client, specify NamedClient parameter in setting
"LineNotifyOptions": {
"ClientId": "YOUR_CLIEND_ID",
"ClinetSecret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
"CallbackUrl": "YOUR_CALLBACK_URL",
- to check detail fail reason
if (!result.Success)
/// Http Status Code
/// raw message status
/// raw message conent