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Marc Laporte edited this page Aug 4, 2024 · 11 revisions


What: Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Jason Munro ( founder)

When: 2024-June-10 14H UTC

Where: Tiki's BigBlueButton room at, so we have the recording for posterity

Context: Jason Munro created Cypht (and its predecessor HastyMail). Jason contributed to Open Source webmail clients from 2002 to 2023. Jason is on a break from the Cypht project now, and the community has stepped up and released Cypht 2.0 with 14 new contributors. So the majority of the active developers have never interacted with Jason.

And there are some topics which new developers are wondering about such as and

Here is some historical context about Cypht's birth:

So let's all meet Jason and get his perspective!