Created by cyda - Carrie Lo & Yeung Wong
- Carrie Lo -
- Yeung Wong -
This project is to visualize Hong Kong voters distribution.
To check the tutorial article, please click here.
The package used is Folium
. Folium builds on the data wrangling strengths of the Python ecosystem and the mapping strengths of the leaflet.js
library. To know more about the package, you can refer to the docunment here.
Data were downloaded from voter statistics and census population statistics released from Hong Kong Government and pre-processed. The data used in the map are stored in Consolidated Data.xlsx. Feel free to play around =)
The original map json file of Hong Kong is downloaded from this site.
To test the interactive effects of the charts, please visit
HK Map with Different TileLayers
HK Map with Customized Tooltip Version 1
HK Map with Customized Tooltip Version 2