No | Context | ARM64 Result | AMD64 Result |
01 | CertManagerSimpleClientServer | Passed | Passed |
02 | Test traffic flowing from client to server with a Kubernetes Service for the Source: HTTP | Passed | Passed |
03 | Test traffic flowing from client to server without a Kubernetes Service for the Source: HTTP | Passed | Passed |
04 | Test traffic flowing from client to a server with a podIP bind | Passed | Passed |
05 | SimpleClientServer traffic test involving osm-controller restart: HTTP | Passed | Passed |
06 | DebugServer | Passed | Passed |
07 | DeploymentsClientServer | Passed | Passed |
08 | HTTP egress policy without route matches | Passed | Passed |
09 | HTTP egress policy with route match | Passed | Passed |
10 | HTTPS egress policy | Passed | Passed |
11 | TCP egress policy | Passed | Passed |
12 | Egress | Passed | Passed |
13 | Fluent Bit deployment | Passed | Passed |
14 | Fluent Bit output | Passed | Passed |
15 | Garbage Collection | Passed | Passed |
16 | gRPC insecure traffic origination over HTTP2 with SMI HTTP routes | Passed | Passed |
17 | gRPC secure traffic origination over HTTP2 with SMI TCP routes | Passed | Passed |
18 | HashivaultSimpleClientServer | Passed | Passed |
19 | Test health probes can succeed | Passed | Passed |
20 | Helm install using default values | Passed | Passed |
21 | Ignore Label | Passed | Passed |
22 | HTTP ingress with IngressBackend | Passed | Passed |
23 | When OSM is Installed | Passed | Passed |
24 | Test IP range exclusion | Passed | Passed |
25 | HTTP request rate limiting | Passed | Passed |
26 | Custom WASM metrics between one client pod and one server | Skip | Skip |
27 | Multiple service ports | Passed | Passed |
28 | Multiple services matching same pod | Passed | Passed |
29 | Test reinstalling OSM in the same namespace with the same mesh name | Passed | Passed |
30 | PermissiveToSmiSwitching | Passed | Passed |
31 | Permissive mode HTTP test with a Kubernetes Service for the Source | Passed | Passed |
32 | Permissive mode HTTP test without a Kubernetes Service for the Source | Passed | Passed |
33 | Test global port exclusion | Passed | Passed |
34 | Test pod level port exclusion | Passed | Passed |
35 | proxy resources | Passed | Passed |
36 | Enable Reconciler | Passed | Passed |
37 | Retry policy disabled | Passed | Passed |
38 | Retry policy enabled | Passed | Passed |
39 | SMI Traffic Target is not in the same namespace as the destination | Passed | Passed |
40 | SMI TrafficTarget is set up properly | Passed | Passed |
41 | Statefulsets | Passed | Passed |
42 | SimpleClientServer TCP with SMI policies | Skip | Skip |
43 | SimpleClientServer TCP in permissive mode | Skip | Skip |
44 | SimpleClientServer egress TCP | Passed | Passed |
45 | TCP server-first traffic | Skip | Skip |
46 | HTTP recursive traffic splitting with SMI | Passed | Passed |
47 | TCP recursive traffic splitting with SMI | Passed | Passed |
48 | ClientServerTrafficSplitSameSA | Passed | Passed |
49 | HTTP traffic splitting with SMI | Passed | Passed |
50 | TCP traffic splitting with SMI | Passed | Passed |
51 | HTTP traffic splitting with Permissive mode | Passed | Passed |
52 | Upgrade from latest | Passed | Passed |
53 | With SMI Traffic Target validation enabled | Passed | Passed |
54 | With SMI validation disabled | Passed | Passed |
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