- Task frame (when tool is fully stowed)
- Height/pose of upper stop (before engagement of the first lock)
- Move down until target distance reached (persists along multiple commands, from some start pose)
- Rotate to some target orientation (persists between multiple commands from some start pose)
- Relieve loads (if commands are unable to process)
- Wiggle If a series of commands sees no progress (after trying relieving and moving both fail)
- Move down from above the stowage bay (to the upper stop)
- Exit conditions
- Z axis of the tool is within some error of the initial z axis OR stowage bay z axis (task frame), parallel to the task (potential) vector comparison, assuming we have a priori knowledge of the storage bay
- Tool is within some error in the x,y, and z position to the tool (cylinder shaped accepted area), the upper stop section of the tool stowage bay [insert photo of tool sitting on top here]
- Wrench limit breached along main axis for force, other axes are minimal
- Actions
- Move down until 1 and 2 exit conditions are met (Command 1)
- If movement is sent 2-3 times and no significant progress in movement dir then try
- Wiggle if no wrench breach or no progress after relieving loads and sending move commands (command 4)
- Relieve Loads if wrench breached (command 3) tentative and up for interpretation and changes
- If 1 and 2 are met, relieve loads (command 3) until all 3 are met
- If all 3 are met, transition to the next state
- Exit conditions
- Rotate the locks open
- Exit Conditions:
- Wrench Breach
- Orientation Target
- Actions:
- Rotate along z axis
- Relieve Loads (all loads but torque in z)
- Stop when conditions met, then relieve loads
- Exit Conditions:
- Move down to bottom of tool stowage
- Exit conditions
- Z axis of the tool is within some error of the initial z axis OR stowage bay z axis (task frame), parallel to the task (potential) vector comparison, assuming we have a priori knowledge of the storage bay
- Tool is within some error in the x,y, and z position to the tool (cylinder shaped accepted area), the bottom section of the tool stowage bay [insert photo of tool sitting on top here]
- Wrench limit breached along main axis for force, other axes are minimal (Optional, we want to reduce wrench/loads on axes other than force in z, expect to have torque in z)
- Actions
- Move down until 1 and 2 exit conditions are met (Command 1)
- If movement is sent 2-3 times and no significant progress in movement dir then try
- Wiggle if no wrench breach or no progress after relieving loads and sending move commands (command 4)
- Relieve Loads if wrench breached (command 3) tentative and up for interpretation and changes
- If 1 and 2 are met, relieve loads (command 3) until all 3 are met
- If all 3 are met, transition to the next state
- Exit conditions
- Rotate into the locked position
- Exit Conditions:
- Wrench Breach
- Orientation Target, position target (tool frame almost aligned with task frame)
- Actions:
- Rotate along z axis
- Relieve Loads (all loads but torque in z, and force in z)
- Stop when conditions met, then relieve loads
- Exit Conditions:
- Move up until target distance reached (persists along multiple commands, from some start pose)
- Rotate to some target orientation (persists between multiple commands from some start pose)
- Relieve loads (if commands are unable to process)
- Wiggle If a series of commands sees no progress (after trying relieving and moving both fail)
- Rotate to the unlocked position
- Exit Conditions:
- Wrench Breach
- Orientation Target
- Actions:
- Rotate along z axis
- Relieve Loads (all loads but torque in z)
- Stop when conditions met, then relieve loads (except torque in z)
- Exit Conditions:
- Move up
- Exit Conditions
- Some delta above the task frame (clear of the stowage bay)
- Minimal to 0 loads (free space, but also now holding tool)
- Actions
- Move up if not within position target
- Relieve Loads if stuck or wrench limit crossed
- Wiggle if no translation or rotation progress
- If orientation has rotated back towards lock position, revert back to state 1
- Exit Conditions