This release has additional features:
- EvaluateScript takes JavaScript code and evaluates it in the context of the page
- Navigate takes a url and navigates to the url. This corresponds to entering a new address in the browser
- HandleEvents takes an event object and raises any WebBrowserControl event
- HandleTitleChangedEvent processes the .NET TitleChanged event
- demo_basic.PRG: Demonstrates the simplest usage that displays an external web page
- demo_evaluateScript.PRG: Uses the EvaluateScript function to read properties from the DOM and return them into Visual FoxPro
- Demo_Events.PRG: Implements the TitleChanged event to respond to title changes due to navigation or setting the window.title property.
- Added a new example form that provides a button to run code defined in the config object.
- Implemented the reload method in the sample form.
- Added the .NET event subscription mechanism from my customized version of wwDotNetBridge. CefSharp will now work with other versions of wwDotNetBridge as well.
- New versions of wwDotNetBridge return objects differently than before. Added code to handle the interface change for both, old versions and the current version of wwDotNetBridge.
The download contains all binaries you need in Visual FoxPro as well as the demo code. Based on the v97.1.61 release of CefSharp. Breaking changes:
Requires the VC++ 2019 runtime instead of VC++ 2015 as a minimum. See README.md for details.
Please refer to the CefSharp release documentation for further changes.