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🔼 major version
:arrow_up_small: major version
This issue or PR will trigger a major version increase.
🔼 minor version
:arrow_up_small: minor version
This issue of PR will trigger a minor version increase.
🔼 patch version
:arrow_up_small: patch version
This issue or PR will trigger a patch version increase.
:atom: new component
:atom: new component
A new React component is being added.
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
A defect in the codebase.
🗄️ new dependencies
:file_cabinet: new dependencies
Changes to project dependencies were made.
🏡 housekeeping
:house_with_garden: housekeeping
Updates that don't impact the code, but keep the project running smoothly.
📃 documentation
:page_with_curl: documentation
Changes to documentation were made.
🍽️ chore
:plate_with_cutlery: chore
Basic tasks to keep things updated or working correctly.
📜 scripts change
:scroll: scripts change
A change to any of the scripts in package.json.