Single-Cell ProtEomics by Mass Spectrometry
This application has been tested on R >= 3.5.0, OSX 10.14 / Windows 7/8/10. R can be downloaded from the main R Project page or downloaded with the RStudio Application. All modules are maintained for MaxQuant >=
Each thematic part of the SCoPE2_analysis.R script is bounded by an R "region". These can be minimized when not in use. You will need to create "figs","dat", and "code" sub-directories.
To execute the ladder_experiment_analysis.R script you will have to change the path to the ladder experiment evidence file provided on MassIVE, as well as install packages ggpubr and reshape2 from CRAN. The ladder_experiment_design.csv is not necessary for script execution.
The manuscript is freely available on bioRxiv: Specht et al., 2019.
Contact the authors by email: nslavov{at}
The SCoPE2 code is distributed by an MIT license.
Please feel free to contribute to this project by opening an issue or pull request.
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