Command-line interface to search and output logs from Datadog. Very useful for searching and tailing logs from the command-line. The default rate limiting for Datadog accounts and the Log Query API is 300 calls per hour. That is very, very low to use this utility. You will almost certainly need to request that limit to be raised.
The query syntax is defined here:
Originally came from I converted it to Go and Datadog.
usage: datadog [-h|--help] [-s|--service "<value>"] [-q|--query "<value>"]
[-l|--limit <integer>] [-t|--tail] [-c|--config "<value>"]
[-r|--range "<value>"] [--start "<value>"] [--end "<value>"]
[-j|--json] [--no-colors]
Search and tail logs from Datadog.
-h --help Print help information
-s --service Special case to search the 'service' message field, e.g., -s
send-email is equivalent to -q 'service:send-email'. Merged
with the -q query using 'AND' if the -q query is present.
-q --query Query terms to search on (Doglog search syntax). Defaults to
-l --limit The maximum number of messages to request from Datadog. Must
be greater then 0. Default: 300
-t --tail Whether to tail the output. Requires a relative search.
-c --config Path to the config file. Default: /home/ctwise/.doglog
-r --range Time range to search backwards from the current moment.
Examples: 30m, 2h, 4d. Default: 2h
--start Starting time to search from. Allows variable formats,
including '1:32pm' or '1/4/2019 12:30:00'.
--end Ending time to search from. Allows variable formats,
including '6:45am' or '2019-01-04 12:30:00'. Defaults to now
if --start is provided but no --end.
-j --json Output messages in json format. Shows the modified log
message, not the untouched message from Datadog. Useful in
understanding the fields available when creating Format
templates or for further processing.
--no-colors Don't use colors in output.
Doglog requires a configuration file be setup in order to work. By default, the application looks in ~/.doglog.
A default configuration file might look like:
api-key: <API key>
application-key: <Application Key>
; Define field mappings. You can leave this section out completely and it will use the below defaults.
; The mappings are for "special" fields and just include the below three.
; level: level, status, loglevel, log_status
; message: message, msg
; full_message: full_message, original_message
; classname: logger_name
; log formats (list them most specific to least specific, they will be tried in order)
; all fields must be present or the format won't be applied
; Formats use the Go template syntax (
; Access logs (GET/POST, etc.)
; access log w/bytes
access_1: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{.network_client_ip}} {{.ident}} {{.auth}} "{{.http_method}} {{.http_url_details_path}} HTTP/{{.http_version}}" {{.http_status_code}} {{.network_bytes_read}}
; access log w/o bytes
access_2: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{.network_client_ip}} {{.ident}} {{.auth}} "{{.http_method}} {{.http_url_details_path}} HTTP/{{.http_version}}" {{.http_status_code}}
; access log w/bytes
access_3: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{.network_client_ip}} "{{.http_method}} {{.http_url_details_path}} HTTP/{{.http_version}}" {{.http_status_code}} {{.network_bytes_read}}
; access log w/o bytes
access_4: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{.network_client_ip}} "{{.http_method}} {{.http_url_details_path}} HTTP/{{.http_version}}" {{.http_status_code}}
; access log w/bytes
access_5: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{.network_client_ip}} "{{.http_method}} {{.http_url_details_path}} HTTP/?" {{.http_status_code}} {{.network_bytes_read}}
; access log w/o bytes
access_6: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{.network_client_ip}} "{{.http_method}} {{.http_url_details_path}} HTTP/?" {{.http_status_code}}
; Java log entries (have thread and/or class names)
; java log entry 1
java_1: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{._level_color}}{{printf "%-5.5s" ._level}}{{._reset}} [{{printf "%-10.10s" .logger_thread_name}}] {{printf "%-20.20s" ._short_classname}} : {{._cyan}}{{._message_text}}{{._reset}}
; java log entry 2
java_2: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{._level_color}}{{printf "%-5.5s" ._level}}{{._reset}} {{printf "%-20.20s" ._short_classname}} : {{._cyan}}{{._message_text}}{{._reset}}
; java log entry 3
java_3: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{._level_color}}{{printf "%-5.5s" ._level}}{{._reset}} [{{printf "%-10.10s" .logger_thread_name}}] : {{._cyan}}{{._message_text}}{{._reset}}
; syslog
format8: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{._level_color}}{{printf "%-5.5s" ._level}}{{._reset}} [{{.syslog_appname}}] : {{._cyan}}{{._message_text}}{{._reset}}
; Istio mixer
; mixer _1
format9: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{._level_color}}{{printf "%-5.5s" ._level}}{{._reset}} {{.http_method}} {{.http_url_details_scheme}}:/{{.http_url_details_path}} {{.http_status_code}} {{.network_bytes_read}}
; mixer _2
format10: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{._level_color}}{{printf "%-5.5s" ._level}}{{._reset}} {{.http_url_details_scheme}} {{.totalSentBytes}} bytes -> {{.totalReceivedBytes}} bytes
; mixer _3
format11: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{._level_color}}{{printf "%-5.5s" ._level}}{{._reset}} {{.http_method}} {{.http_url_details_scheme}}:/{{.http_url_details_path}} {{.http_status_code}} {{.network_bytes_read}}
; vpc flow log
format_vpc_flow_log1: {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} ({{.aws_account_id}}:{{printf "%-21.21s" .aws_s3_bucket}}) {{.vpc_action}} {{.network_client_ip}}:{{.network_client_port}} -> {{.network_destination_ip}}:{{.network_destination_port}} {{if eq (.network_protocol) ("6")}}TCP{{else if eq (.network_protocol) ("1")}}ICMP{{else if eq (.network_protocol) ("17")}}UDP{{else}}{{.network_protocol}}{{end}} {{.network_bytes_written | toString | trimSuffix ".0"}} bytes
; vpc flow log no data
format_vpc_flow_log2: {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} ({{.aws_account_id}}) : {{._cyan}}{{._message_text}}{{._reset}}
; generic
generic_1: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} {{._level_color}}{{printf "%-5.5s" ._level}}{{._reset}} : {{._cyan}}{{._message_text}}{{._reset}}
generic_2: <{{.host}}> {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} : {{._cyan}}{{._message_text}}{{._reset}}
generic_3: {{._long_time_timestamp}} {{._magenta}}{{.service}}{{._reset}} : {{._cyan}}{{._message_text}}{{._reset}}
Multi-level field names have the period ('.') separator replaced by an underscore ('_'). For example, the multi-level field "network.protocol" is mapped to "network_protocol".
Fields that have special logic are level, message, full_message, classname. The default mappings for these special fields are:
Field Name | Mappings |
level | level, status, loglevel, log_status |
message | message, msg |
full_message | full_message, original_message |
classname | logger_name |
Doglog creates some computed fields during log line processing. The computed fields are:
Field Name | Description |
_level | The severity level of the log line, whether the incoming log has 'level', 'status', 'log_status' or 'loglevel', the 'level' field will be created and populated with a consistent severity. |
_level_color | If the computed level field is generated, then an ASCII color code for the severity level will be present in this field. |
_reset | Same as _level_color, but this resets the terminal color to Normal. |
_message_text | The log line message text. Multiple fields are examined to generate this field. |
_long_time_timestamp | A consistent timestamp format for logging. |
_short_classname | For Java log lines, this will be the short version of a full classname with package. |
Template functions are provided from the Sprig template function library -