App Name : ABC Rocket
Customer : SOME_ABC Company Pvt Ltd
Development Team :
John Dev (Android developer : May 2018 - June 2019),
Jane Dev (Android developer : June 2019 - till date),
Jonah Dev (Backend developer : May 2016 - till date)
Design Team : Wan Chung, Lee Chi
Management : Nikola Tisola (Sr Manger : May 2012 - June 2016), Thomas Eden (Sr Manger : July2016 - till date)
About this file
The purpose of this file is to provide overview, setup instructions and background information of the project. If you have joined this project as a part of the development team, please ensure this file is up to date.
Note : Any dependencies added / modified to this project which affect the running of the code in this git repository must be listed in this file. All developers must ensure that the instructions mentioned in this file are sufficient to enable a new developer to obtain a executable copy of the lastest code in this repository, without involvement from any other human assistance.
Tools and Hardware Requirements Declaration
I) Software requirements
- Ubuntu OS
- Maven
- Camera drivers
- Web Cam Device
- Http Server
- MySQL and MySQL drivers
II) Hardware requirements
- Minimum 8 GB RAM
- Minimum 12 GB Available Disk Space
- Wifi Availablility
- Web Camera
Project Technical Specifications
- This project is a cordova based project which uses Angular 7
framework. - The angular code is first compiled using angular-cli commands,
then the output is moved to the cordova www directory. After which
the cordova build command generates final android / iOS output. - The API is provided from customer
- The design for reference is from XYZ Company Pvt Ltd Mumbai design
Setup Instructions
As mentioned earlier , this is a cordova-angular project,
The below mentioned steps may vary significantly across various operating systems, please follow them accordingly.
These instructions are aimed at a developer who has been added to the project team, after the project development has already been initiated,
Therefore the aim is to get the code from the git repository to run on the developer's system, so as to allow him / her to continue with further development.
Clone the repository from GitLab :
git clone [email protected]:root/rocket.git
Change current working directory to Project directory
cd Rocket
( This is the cordova as well as the angular root folder. )
Checking out the latest development branch
As of writing this guide the main branch used for development is : develop
To switch to this branch run :
git checkout develop
Installing dependencies
This project requires cordova for running,
You can install it by referring to the official cordova page : []
The cordova version used at the time of writing this file is : 8.1.2
You can check the installed version using cordova -v
The config.xml file contains the list of all cordova plugins and platforms used for this project. Please ensure this file is updated incase any plugin is added / removed.
Please follow below steps for installation :
Install Angular and Cordova NPM Dependencies
npm i
Next install cordova platforms and plugins
cordova prepare
Incase you get errors as : Current working directory is not a Cordova-based project.
The www folder used by cordova cli to detect a cordova project might be missing Simply make an empty www folder via file manager or via commandline as :
mkdir www
Install cordova android platform
cordova platform add android
Start the http and mysql xampp server :
xampp http start
xampp mysql start
sudo service kurento-media-server-6.0 start
Note for future developers
Home is an addon module which adds search by name functionality to the core code
The files in the above directory when included in the index file overwrites methods, variables, css in the core code
and manipulates the DOM at runtime by adding / removing elements.
Thus the entire search logic is separated and can be included on demand,
This is the first attempt of adding additional features as modules
Future features if any should also be done in the same way,
The core code should only be modified for bug fixes or core updates
Any new feature either core or customer specific should be implemented as a pluggable module in the /project_directory/src/main/resources/static/addons/