This an example RISC-V SoC targeting the Arty-A7 FPGA board. It comprises the lowRISC Ibex core along with the following features:
- RISC-V debug support (using the PULP RISC-V Debug Module)
- A UART (transmit only for now)
- GPIO (output only for now)
- Timer
Debug can be used via a USB connection to the Arty-A7 board. No external JTAG probe is required.
- Xilinx Vivado -
- rv32imc GCC toolchain - lowRISC provide one:
- cmake
- python3 - Additional python dependencies in python-requirements.txt installed with pip
- openocd
To install python dependencies use pip, you may wish to do this inside a virtual environment to avoid disturbing you current python setup (note it uses a lowRISC fork of edalize and FuseSoC so if you already use these a virtual environment is recommended)
# Setup python venv
python3 -m venv .
source ./bin/activate
# Install python requirements
pip3 install -r python-requirements.txt
First the software must be built. This is provide an initial binary for the FPGA build.
cd sw
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
Note the FPGA build relies on a fixed path to the initial binary (blank.vmem) so
if you want to create your build directory elsewhere you need to adjust the path
in ibex_super_system.core
FuseSoC handles the FPGA build. Vivado tools must be setup beforehand. From the repository root:
source /path/to/vivado/
fusesoc --cores-root=. run --target=synth --setup --build lowrisc:ibex:super_system
To program the FPGA, either use FuseSoC again
fusesoc --cores-root=. run --target=synth --run lowrisc:ibex:super_system
Or use the Vivado GUI
make -C ./build/lowrisc_ibex_super_system_0/synth-vivado/ build-gui
The util/ script can be used to load and run a program. You can choose to immediately run it or begin halted, allowing you to attach a debugger.
# Run demo
./util/ run ./sw/build/demo/demo
# Load demo and start halted awaiting a debugger
./util/ halt ./sw/build/demo/demo
To view terminal output use screen
# Look in /dev to see available ttyUSB devices
screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200
Either load a program and halt (see above) or start a new OpenOCD instance
openocd -f util/arty-a7-openocd-cfg.tcl
Then run GDB against the running binary and connect to localhost:3333 as a remote target
riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb ./sw/build/demo/demo
(gdb) target extended-remote localhost:3333