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Freemarker Doclet


Custom Javadoc Doclets are hard. Freemarker is easy. This simple wrapper doclet allows you to express a Javadoc doclet as a set of Freemarker templates. No Java coding required. It simply passes the RootDoc instance to a Freemarker template.

Execute the doclet in the normal way:

javadoc -doclet org.ctnitchie.doclet.freemarker.FreemarkerDoclet \
        -docletpath freemarkerdoclet.jar \
        -template path/to/template.ftl \
        -outputFile path/to/outputFile.html \
        [other arguments]

Alternatively, you can invoke the doclet using the javadoc-ftl command-line utilities in the bin directory, which can be added to your PATH environment variable. These automatically set -doclet and -docletpath for you.

javadoc-ftl -template path/to/template.ftl \
            -outputFile path/to/outputFile.html \
            [other arguments]

Within the template, build the output documentation.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>API Documentation</title>
    <h1>API Documentation</h1>
    <#list root.classes() as class>
      <li><a href="${}.html">${}</a>
      <@file + ".html">
       <#-- Generate file for this class -->

You're free to use the full range of Freemarker template features, including <#include>, <#import>, builtins, macros, etc. See the Freemarker Template Language Reference for details.

Helper Directives

The doclet provides a number of helper directives to facilitate output generation.

The @echo directive allows you to output messages to the console during output generation.

<@echo message="Hey there!"/>

The @file directive wraps content in your template to be written to an alternative location. Specify the location of the output file, relative to the primary output file passed via -outputFile, using the location attribute. You can also specify the encoding of the output file.

<#list root.classes() as class>
  <@file + ".html" encoding="UTF-8">
    <h1>${} Documentation!!!!</h1>
    <#list class.methods() as method>

The @wellFormed directive ensures that documentation content, often authored as non-well-formed HTML, can be treated as well-formed XML using JSoup.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <#list class.methods() as method>

The @resolveComment directive will convert inline Javadoc tags from an element's comment into content appropriate for the output being generated using helper templates.

<@resolveComment model=class/>

For details, see...

Resolving Inline Javadoc Tags

There are two ways to add comment text to the output.



Or using @resolveComment:

<@resolveComment model=class/>

If there are no inline tags in the comment, both will do exactly the same thing. However, if there are inline tags, then the former will present them as-is, whereas the latter will pass each inline tag to a helper template in the same directory as the main template, called tagHandler_[tagname].ftl (e.g. tagHandler_link.ftl for @{link} tags). If it doesn't find such a template, it will look for tagHandler.ftl, which can be used to handle arbitrary tag types as a fallback handler. If neither template file exists, the tag will be output as-is and a warning will be generated.

The helper template will be passed tag (the Tag instance), root (the RootDoc instance), and the model passed to @resolveComment.


By default the doclet assumes UTF-8 encoding for both input and output. If you need to use another encoding, pass -templateEncoding [name] for the template's encoding, and -outputEncoding [name] for the output.


This doclet is built using Apache Maven and requires Java 7 or later. To build it, install Maven, then execute the package goal.

mvn package

The resulting jar file target/freemarkerdoclet.jar embeds all of the classes from all dependencies, so you'll only need to pass it and nothing more to the -docletpath command-line parameter.


The example files in the samples directory are fairly anemic at the moment, but they do include a template to generate some very basic DITA XML content.


This code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt for details.


Implement Javadoc doclets as Freemarker templates.







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