#Disco A 3D Moving-Mesh Magnetohydrodynamics code designed for the study of astrophysical disks.
By Paul Duffell
Thank you for your interest in the Disco code.
The license for this code is GPL. The GPL license should be contained in this directory.
Please cite me if you use this work. In particular, cite my paper, Duffell (2016).
I posted this code because I believe in transparency in science, not because I am advertising this code or attempting to promote its extensive use. I am happy to answer the occasional question, but I hope that you will attempt to solve most issues on your own.
Having said that, here is how you set up the code:
This code is parallel, and uses mpich2. The code should compile so long as "mpicc" works. If you don't have MPI, it is straightforward to get. Look for "mpich2" using macports or homebrew.
The only other important dependency is HDF5. It is possible to compile without HDF5 (ascii output) but the default assumes you have HDF5.
The following three files are necessary for setting up the code:
The first two are pulled into the makefile and are necessary for compiling, and the last is a parameter file, which the code looks for at runtime.
You can find many "Makefile_opt" and "in.par" files in the Templates/ directory. Simply copy them over, e.g.
cp Templates/isentropic.in ./Makefile_opt.in
cp Templates/isentropic.par ./in.par
"Makefile_dir.in" currently just includes the directory where HDF5 is located. If you are compiling with HDF5, just modify this file so it points to the right place.
After that, so long as "mpicc" works, all you have to do is type "make" and it should compile.
If you wish to compile without HDF5, open "Makefile_opt.in" and adjust the following settings:
OUTPUT = h5out
RESTART = h5in
should be changed to
OUTPUT = ascii
RESTART = none
This should remove any dependency on HDF5.