October 5 Test Network
This gensis file uses a snapshot generated on October 5th.
chain id: 60e21871125ea9995fe498b7f68a87a85c6583725ea5448f6fd969c59a37df83
seed node:
./witness_node -d oct5 --genesis-json oct5-genesis.json -s ""
The required genesis file is attached to this release, you will have to decompress it before launching your witness node.
- network broadcasts are now automatically rate limited by network latency (nodes only fetch one block at a time)
- the undo history now uses the last_irreversible_block_num metric to determine how much undo history is necessary.
- certain c-style asserts that would halt in debug but not release have been replaced with FC_ASSERT which will throw an exception rather than halt.
Everyone participating in this test network should compile in release mode.
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Even though we are in a release build, please run your witness node in a debugger such as lldb or gdb so we can catch any crashes. When a crash occurs please run "bt" to generate a backtrace and open an issue with the crash report.
Minimum System Requirements
For highest reliability all witnesses should run on a system with at least 2 cores and 4 GB of RAM with a network connection capable of 10 Megabytes per second. These specs are designed to minimize latency and provide plenty of overhead to handle bursts, etc.