A very simple tool for getting the average market price of bitcoins using data from preev.com.
It might be cool for haskell noobs, such as myself, to look at the source code (a single file) and see how to parse both json (using aeson) and command line arguments (using optparse-applicative)!
Install with $ cabal install
. Use a sandbox to remain somewhat
~ $ preev --help
Gets the average market price for any amount of BTC from several exchanges weighted by volume
Usage: preev AMOUNT [-t|--to CURRENCY] [-s|--source EXCHANGES] [-v|--verbose]
Average market price for AMOUNT bitcoins
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-t,--to CURRENCY Target currency (e.g. USD, EUR, SEK, NOK) defaults to USD
-s,--source EXCHANGES Comma separated (no whitespaces) list of sources (e.g. bitstamp,btce)
-v,--verbose Enable verbose mode
~ $ preev 0.24 --verbose
1 BTC = 635.00 USD on bitstamp
1 BTC = 629.00 USD on btce
1 BTC = 677.10 USD on localbitcoins
0.24 BTC are on average (weighted by volume) worth 152.08 USD
~ $ preev 0.24 --to sek --verbose
1 BTC = 4085.00 SEK on bitstamp
1 BTC = 3996.00 SEK on btce
1 BTC = 4308.00 SEK on localbitcoins
0.24 BTC are on average (weighted by volume) worth 973.69 SEK
~ $ preev 0.24 --to sek
~ $ cool!
cool!: command not found
It's a hack. Your head might a splode!