Rich Node.js REPL
Rinore was extracted from CORMO. CORMO console provided an interactive shell like Rails console or django shell.
Rinore has following features additional to the original Node.js REPL.
- can select JavaScript or CoffeeScript or TypeScript
- expose modules to the REPL
- support Promise
- show function arguments for Tab completion
- reload local module if its content is changed
$ rinore
rinore> path.extname('index.html')
For CoffeeScript:
$ rinore -l coffeescript
rinore> path.extname 'index.html'
For TypeScript:
$ rinore -l typescript
rinore> path.extname('index.html')
Use '-r' or '--require' to load modules:
$ rinore -r lodash
Loading module 'lodash'...
rinore> lodash([1, 2, 3]).map(v => v * 2).reverse().value()
[ 6, 4, 2 ]
You can specify an another name using :
$ rinore -r lodash:l
Loading module 'lodash' as 'l'...
rinore> l([1, 2, 3]).map(v => v * 2).reverse().value()
[ 6, 4, 2 ]
If you give a name *
, all exported objects are spread to the global:
$ cat util.js
exports.add = (a, b) => a + b
exports.sub = (a, b) => a - b
$ rinore -r util:*
Loading module 'util' as '*'...
rinore> add(1, 2)
rinore> sub(10, 3)
Or you can use rinore.context
to expose your objects:
$ cat util.js
const rinore = require('rinore');
rinore.context.add = (a, b) => a + b
$ rinore -r util
Loading module 'util'...
rinore> add(1, 2)
If an expression returns Promise, Rinore waits until it resolves:
rinore> new Promise(resolve => resolve('done'))
You can assign the result of Promise to a variable:
rinore> result = new Promise(resolve => resolve('done'))
rinore> result.length
If you are using TypeScript, you should use await keyword:
$ rinore -l typescript
rinore> const result = await new Promise<string>(resolve => resolve('done'))
rinore> result.length
Rinore can be started in the middle of a running program.
$ cat util.js
const rinore = require('.');
rinore.context.add = (a, b) => a + b
$ node util.js
rinore> add(1, 2)
Rinore shows function arguments when Tab is pressed.
rinore> util.inspect<Tab>
util.inspect(obj, opts)
rinore> console.log(url.parse(<Tab>
url.parse(url, parseQueryString, slashesDenoteHost)
You can specify CLI arguments in the package.json
"rinore": {
"language": "coffeescript",
"require": [
You can run a Rinore server via --listen argument.
$ rinore --listen 5678
Rinore is listening on 5678
Or you can programmatically.
const net = require('net');
const rinore = require('.');
net.createServer((socket) => {
console.log('Starting new session...');
rinore.start({input: socket, output: socket, terminal: true})
.on('exit', () => {
console.log('Session closed.');
}).listen(2000, (error) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('Rinore is listening on 2000');
You can connect to this server via telnet
or rinore-remote
$ telnet localhost 2000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
rinore> 1+1
rinore> ^]
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
$ rinore-remote 2000
rinore> 1+1
To find best REPL experience, Rinore has referred some projects:
MIT licenses. See LICENSE for more details.