Treehouse Unit 3 Project. This is a web form that provides real-time, input feedback to the user for each form field. Some form fields are disabled when the user makes certain selections to prevent the user from submitting conflicting data.
HTML/CSS. JavaScript.
- DOM manipulation
- Form validation through RegEx
- Refactoring and DRYing
- Event listening and handling
The web form validation errors display for every field when the user starts typing. They should only appear in the field for which the user is typing or has already typed in.
Per WCAG guidelines: Required form field need to be tagged for assistive technology. Page landmarks should be tagged for assitve technology. Improve contrast of foreground and background.
Clone the project, and simply open index.html
Otherwise, I have a live version here.
Sean Crooks
Team Treehouse supplied all files except script.js. Script.js was created and written solely by author.