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3. Create new Application

felipefunes edited this page Jul 26, 2012 · 4 revisions


  • ruby 1.9.3
  • install bundler
  • xcode with sdk 5.1 (optional for ios native integration)


gem install coolstrap

Create a new Project

➜ coolstrap project new HelloWorld

Create your views

➜ coolstrap view s list Developers commiters
➜ coolstrap view s list Developers watchers

When the view is created you must to include the generated partial in views/index.html.haml.

Then, to show the view you just have to call the section with something like this in your views/_home.haml:

%a{"href" => "#commiters", "data-target" => "section"}

Create your tabbars & toolbars

➜ coolstrap view s tabbar Developers watchers
➜ coolstrap view s toolbar Developers watchers

Those lines generates partials in views/tabbars & views/toolbars.

To use Tabbars or Toolbars you need to call the partials in the views, for example in a header or footer elements.

Run it

➜ coolstrap r # or coolstrap server

This command will run an instance of middleman server, since is middleman you can also start the server with 'middleman server' command