Azure AD OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth. Can be used to authenticate with Azure AD and get a token for the Microsoft Graph Api.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'omniauth-microsoft_v2_auth', github: 'cloudcastle/omniauth-microsoft_v2_auth'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Make your devise model omniauthable and add provider, e.g. for User
class User < ApplicationRecord
devise :omniauthable, omniauth_providers: [:microsoft_v2_auth]
Configure provider in devise.rb
config.omniauth :microsoft_v2_auth, ENV['AAD_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['AAD_CLIENT_SECRET']
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :microsoft_v2_auth, ENV['AAD_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['AAD_CLIENT_SECRET']
- Register an application in Azure Portal (Azure Active Directory > App registrations > New application registration)
- Add a private key for application (App registrations > YOUR APP > Settings > Keys)
- Configure Reply URLs for application (App registrations > YOUR APP > Settings > Reply URLs)
- By default URL for development should be
- If you modify routes and need other reply URLs, add them as well and make sure to configure omniauth provider properly:
config.omniauth :microsoft_v2_auth, ENV['AAD_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['AAD_CLIENT_SECRET'], redirect_uri: 'YOU_REPLY_URI'
- By default URL for development should be
- Configure permissions for application (App registrations > YOUR APP > Settings > Required permissions):