The plugin reads all objects defined by the filter from ldap and if groupType is not a securityGroup (0x80000000) expands the members to their main email addresses.
refresh_interval: 600
deny_unknown: True
url: ldaps://
basedn: OU=ExampleOU,DC=example,DC=com
dn: CN=Management,DC=example,DC=com
pwd: examplePassword
filter: (&(objectClass=group)(|(mail=*)(proxyAddresses=*)))
filter: (&(objectClass=person)(|(mail=*)(proxyAddresses=*)))
Refresh interval gives the interval in which ldap is checked for new configuration settings.
Groups filter all groups that should be checked. All members of the groups are filled from the users query. All users are also checked.
Errors are shown if groups use the same emails, or users use the same email.
Designed for haraka-plugin-plugin_manager