aka Sagiri
Sagiri is a hikikomori anime illustrator. She reads such a lot manga and doujinshi so she can recommend something suitable for anyone. Like as this app will
Application allow grouple.co item recommendations. Regularly retrains, calculates items similarity and so on.
Web scrapper for collecting user bookmarks data included
- implicit ALS for item recommendation
- tSNE + Agglomerative clustering / DBSCAN for initial item recommendations
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-selflib.yml up -d --build
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml restart rumix
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d -V --build --remove-orphans
docker-compose stop selflib
docker-compose build selflib
docker-compose up --no-start selflib
docker-compose start selflib
There is a script ./database/explorations/explorations.py
to get new explorational_recs.json
First, prepare items_features.csv (item_id,views)
, then run:
python explorations.py SITE_ID
To change number of clusters, touch DBSCAN params (eps and min_samples). Increase it to decrease number of clusters.
Finally put resulted file into config.explorations_path