At least version 1.2.rc of Devise is required
Please report any issues!
# bundler
gem 'devise_sequel'
Also, at the moment (0.0.3) please use the orm_adapter-sequel from my repository, which is a fork from the real project from elskwid:
This should be very temporary.
You're going to need an ORM for rails also. Only sequel-rails has been tested to work this gem.
There are no generators at this point, but it's pretty easy to get started:
I like to extend only the models I need for Devise:
class User < Sequel::Model
plugin :devise
devise ... # put the devise modules you want here
But if you want them to be globally available for all your Sequel models, load the plugin before model loading:
Sequel::Model.plugin :devise
For schema migration, you can do something like this:
Sequel.migration do
up do
create_table :users do
DateTime :created_at
DateTime :updated_at
down do
drop_table :users
Very similar to the devise active record example. "database_authenticatable" creates an autoincrementing primary key "id" field for you.
Motivation was to get Devise 1.5.2 with UTC time fixes working with Sequel 3.30.0. I had tried the original mooman gem which was giving stack overflows because Devise 1.5.2 calls before_validation twice. I also tried the arthurdandrea fork which did not seem work correctly with the callbacks that Devise uses.
The solution provided in this version extends the Devise user models with ActiveModel::Callbacks. Wrapper methods for the Sequel :save, :update and :validate methods are included into the model which call the necessary ActiveModel "run_callbacks" on the :create, :update and :validation callback types used by Devise 1.5.2.
The design allows one to redefine :save, :update or :validate in the model class as long as "super" is called appropriately. These are redefined to call the wrapper methods which are then reincluded.
Rachot Moragraan
Daniel Lyons
Michael Hayden
A lot of testing designs are from dm-devise.