PowerShell modules to help automate Crystal Reports tasks.
# open the report
PS > Open-Report \path\to\report.rpt
# open the report, then close it
PS> Open-Report \path\to\report.rpt | Close-Report
PS> Get-ChildItem '\path\to\reports' *.rpt -Recurse | Open-Report -Verbose | % {
$_.Database.Tables | Select-Object location -Expand location
$_.Subreports | % { $_.Database.Tables | Select-Object location -Expand location }
} | Select-Object location -Unique | Sort-Object Location
PS> Get-ChildItem '\path\to\reports' *.rpt -Recurse | Open-Report -Verbose | % {
$_.DataDefinition.SQLExpressionFields | Select-Object name, text
$_.Subreports | % { $_.DataDefinition.SQLExpressionFields | Select-Object name, text }
} | Format-List
# extract the SQL queries from the RPT files in the specified directory
PS> Get-ChildItem '\path\to\reports' *.rpt | Open-Report -Verbose | % {
# save for later
$report = $_
$_.ReportClientDocument.DataDefController.Database.Tables |
Where-Object { $_.ClassName -Eq 'CrystalReports.CommandTable' } |
Select-Object @{Name='Title';Expression={$report.SummaryInfo.Title}}, @{Name='FilePath';Expression={$report.FilePath}}, @{Name='Subreport';Expression={$null}}, @{Name='CommandAlias';Expression={$_.Alias}}, @{Name='Query'; Expression={$_.CommandText}}
$_.Subreports | % {
# save for later
$subrepot = $_
} |
Where-Object { $_.ClassName -Eq 'CrystalReports.CommandTable' } |
Select-Object @{Name='Title';Expression={$report.SummaryInfo.Title}}, @{Name='FilePath';Expression={$report.FilePath}}, @{Name='Subreport'; Expression={$subreport.Name}}, @{Name='CommandAlias';Expression={$_.Alias}}, @{Name='Query'; Expression={$_.CommandText}}
PS> Get-ChildItem '\path\to\reports' *.rpt -Recurse | Open-Report -Verbose | % {
$report = $_
$_.Database.Tables | % {
FileName=(Split-Path $report.FilePath -Leaf)
$_.Subreports | % {
$subreport = $_
$_.Database.Tables | % {
FileName=(Split-Path $report.FilePath -Leaf)
} | Sort-Object FileName,TableName | Select-Object FileName,Subreport,TableName,ServerName,UserID | Format-Table
# extract the fields from the RPT files in the specified directory and save them in a single CSV file
PS> Get-ChildItem 'path\to\reports' *.rpt -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$Report = $_
$Report.Database.Tables.Fields | Where-Object {$.UseCount -gt 0} | ForEach-Object {
FileName = (Split-Path $Report.FilePath -Leaf)
Name = 'Main'
Table = $_.TableName
Field = $_.Name
$Report.Subreports | ForEach-Object {
$Subreport = $
$_.Database.Tables.Fields | Where-Object {$.UseCount -gt 0} | ForEach-Object {
FileName = (Split-Path $Report.FilePath -Leaf)
Name = $Subreport.Name
Table = $_.TableName
Field = $_.Name
} | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Out-File ~\Desktop\reports.fields.csv
$patterns = @()
$patterns += [PsCustomObject]@{Title='Custom View (V_*)';Pattern='\bV_'}
$patterns += [PsCustomObject]@{Title='Procedure (SP_*)';Pattern='\bSP_'}
Write-Host "Patterns: $patterns"
Get-ChildItem 'path\to\reports' *.rpt -Recurse | % {
Write-Host $_.FullName
$report = $_
Open-Report $_.FullName | % {
$_.ReportClientDocument.Database.Tables | % {
Write-Host "`t$($_.ClassName)/$($_.Name)"
$text = if ( $_.ClassName -Eq 'CrystalReports.CommandTable' ) { $_.CommandText } else { $_.Name }
$matches = $patterns | % { if ($text -match $_.Pattern ) { $_.Title } }
if ( $matches ) {
Write-Host "`t`tMatches: $( $matches -Join ';' )"
[PsCustomObject]@{Title=$report.Name;Subreport=$null;ClassName=$_.ClassName;Name=$_.Name;Matches=$( $matches -Join ';' )}
} # /Tables
if ( $_.Subreports ) {
$_.Subreports | % {
$subreport = $_
Write-Host ("`t`tsubreport: {0}" -f $subreport.Name)
$_.Database.Tables | % {
Write-Host "`t`t`t$($_.ClassName)/$($_.Name)"
$text = if ( $_.ClassName -Eq 'CrystalReports.CommandTable' ) { $_.CommandText } else { $_.Name }
$matches = $patterns | % { if ($text -match $_.Pattern ) { $_.Title } }
if ( $matches ) {
Write-Host "`t`t`t`tMatches: $( $matches -Join ';' )"
[PsCustomObject]@{Title=$report.Name;Subreport=$subreport.Name;ClassName=$_.ClassName;Name=$_.Name;Matches=$( $matches -Join ';' )}
} # /Tables
} # /Subreports
} | Format-Table
# extract the linking from the RPT files in the specified directory and save them in a single CSV file
PS> ~\Desktop\Reports> Get-ChildItem . *.rpt -Recurse | Get-DataDefinition |
Select title, filepath -ExpandProperty links |
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |
Out-File .\reports.links.csv
Process all the reports on the user's Desktop folder, resize them to the default width (720 twips/0.5"), and save them to the same location with a timestamp added to the name.
PS> Get-ChildItem -Path ~/Desktop/ -Filter "*.rpt " | Open-Report | Resize-Field | Out-Report
- Install PowerShell
- Set your execution policy to 'RemoteSigned':
# test its current value
PS> Get-ExecutionPolicy
# set to 'RemoteSigned'; requires administrative rights
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy 'RemoteSigned'
Assuming that you have Git installed:
# change to your profile's PowerShell directory
PS> cd ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell
# create a Modules folder
PS> mkdir Modules
# change to this directory
PS> cd Modules
# clone the project to Modules directory (it will create the PsCrystal folder and contents)
PS> git clone git@github.com:craibuc/PsCrystal.git
# import the module into current PowerShell session
PS> Import-Module PsCrystal
- Save the latest release (a ZIP file) to workstation
- Decompress archive
- Rename directory to
- Move directory to
- Unblock the module's files
PS> Get-ChildItem -Path ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PsCrystal -Recurse | Unblock-File