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Team Meetings & Status updates

Sravan2j edited this page Oct 10, 2013 · 5 revisions

We will be meeting on every Tuesday & Thursday (i.e, before 10 minutes of our class) to discuss regarding the status of our work.

3-oct-2013 : Discussed regarding status updates. Completed calendar application & swipe application. Need some more research to complete the application that has action bar with search option.

8-Oct-2013 : Discussed regarding status updates. Sravan completed calendar application logic to retrieve existing calendars from the device and to retrieve the events that are stored in the selected (by user) calendar. Fie analyzed existing Cinequest code for implementing swipe application in it, lot of changes are involved (i.e.,Fragment logic needs to be placed in many activities). Tanuvir completed setting up facebook in his emulator, but he is facing some memory issues in VM, he is looking into it. Rohit completed action bar and also implemented code for "search". Search operation is not fully completed, as search operation is little complex, require some more time to complete the search operation.

Note:- For implementing action bar we have set the target API level as 18 for the application, but the code runs fine in android 2.2 emulator.