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Sravan Time Entries Log
This page contains time entry details logged by Sravan.
Oct 3rd 2013, 4 to 5 pm:- Updated all the wiki pages and created new repository (i.e., ProjectWork) to import our project work sample applications. Tested and uploaded the sample application to the new repository. Sent email to team mates to intimate regarding the new pages created in Wiki & the modifications done in old Wiki pages.
Oct 7th 2013, 1 to 5:30 pm:- Improving the earlier code (which adds the event details to calendar) to have a button "get details from calendar" at the bottom of first screen and when user clicks this button, application should retrieve the schedule from calendar and display it as a list on next screen. Also added logic in the code to get the available calendars in the device.
Oct 17th 2013, 12:30 am to 3:00 am:- Working on code that creates a new calendar local to device, using a sync adapter.
Oct 22th 2013, 12:00 am to 4:30 am:- Continued working on code that creates a new calendar local to device, using a sync adapter. Worked on displaying the saved entries in listview with checkbox beside each event (i.e., using CheckedTextView), so that user can select those events and remove them from calendar at once. Started Coding for "clearall" function to uncheck all check boxes.
Oct 24th 2013, 3:00 am to 4:30 am:- Modified UI as professor suggested to have "Remove" button beside every event, instead of bottom of the page. Worked on code that deletes an events from local calendar in device.
Oct 24th 2013, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm:- Modified code to include validation while adding events to avoid duplicate entries of events in calendar.
Nov 6th 2013, 10:30 pm to Nov 7th 4:30 AM:- Completely merged calendar code into original source and modified code to check whether Cinequest calendar exists in device or not, if it not exists then Cinequest Calendar has to be created. Modified User Interface. Modified original source to replace checkbox with button, so that user can add those events directly with one click to the device calendar.
Nov 12th 2013, 06:00 pm to 12:00 AM: Testing Calendar code and fixing the bugs. Included action bar. Modified Date format code n calendar as per the input format of start date and end date.
Nov 17th 2013, 10:00 pm to Nov 18th 01:30 AM: Included the directions button and added the code to open the maps for venue location when user clicks on the directions button.
Nov 24th 2013, 4:00 pm to 05:30 PM: Modified code to set Homescreen as one of the TAB (i.e., News TAB) and added ICON for News tab and tested the code.
Nov 25th 2013, 11:00 pm to 26th 2013 03:00 AM: Modified Homescreen page to display news in list view and to cache the images. Onclick of news listitem needs to be handled.
Dec 1st 2013, 4:00 AM to 06:00 AM: Modified the calendar code to let the user to add/delete the events to calendar from the same screen. And also modified the calendar icons. Modified the home screen to check whether moreinfo link is "ID" or "web page link", if it is "web page link" it will be redirected to webview.
Dec 3rd 2013, 6:00 PM to 01:00 AM: Completed "News" TAB successfully. Modified code to use same layout for films/events/forums. And modified code to allow accessing of films/events/forums by dates.
Dec 12th 2013, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM :- Worked on the following requirements (that are mentioned in the Notes page in WIKI) - 1,5,6,7,14 & 16.
Dec 13th 2013, 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM :- Completed 8th requirement in Matt's Notes. And modified code to use thumb images in news layout. Included Splash Screen. Commented Cache Code. At present feed reading Logic is as follows - When every time user navigates between the tabs (i.e., News/Films/Forums/Events), news feed will be read and last updated date is checked to ensure that no changes are done to new feed. If date mismatch is found then the festival & venue feed is read. In case, in future if cache logic needs to be included. Then just uncomment the below lines of code, In AndroidPlatform.java -> Please uncomment the below lines of code in "parse(String url, DefaultHandler handler, Callback callback)" method.
/if (getFromCache(url, sp, handler, MAX_CACHE_AGE))
MAX_CACHE_AGE represents 6 hours, which means if application is not closed, then data will be read from cache itself until the data is older than 6 hours.
For testing these logic, I hosted news page (i.e., http://www.cinequest.org/news.php) in the following website - http://mahboobshah.com/sravan/feed.xml and tested the code by modifying the lastupdated date in news page.
Dec 14th 2013, 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM :- Completed including shorts in film detail. This is a little tough task where we have to display two listviews (shorts listview & schedule listview) in single activity. I looked into lot of pages in stackoverflow where they suggested to declare fixed height for each listview. And this is not the correct solution. So I used mergeadpater to merge both listviews into single listview. Now the second challenge is setting onclick listener for only shorts. Here I used position variable to find out whether user clicked the Schedule Item or the shorts list item.
Dec 15th 2013, 3:00 AM to 3:30 AM :- Modified date format in schedule layout. Also did some small modifications to the schedule layout.
Dec 15th 2013, 4:00 AM to 6:00 AM :- Cleaned entire Android SRC, XML layouts, Drawable folder & Android Manifest file. Tested the code to ensure that everything is working fine.
Dec 15th 2013, 12:00 PM to 3:30 PM :- Completed entire calendar code changes in the project to make it work for all API levels. Calendar code won't run in emulator as gmail account is not added to the emulator. We tried a lot to setup emulator to test calendar code, but it was not possible. So, due to unavailability of enough lower API level devices, we were able to complete only partial testing.
Dec 15th 2013, 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM :- Completed code changes for the below requirement,
"Accessing the films by date (Films View - By Date ->) should result in seeing a list of films sorted by time for that date, not another A-Z list. The reasoning here is because if I am a festival goer and am going to watch films on Friday, I would want a quick way to see which films are playing at what times. Having an A-Z list is redundant because they could have selected that on the previous screen."
Dec 18th 2013, 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM :- Created "Social option icons" with different dimensions. Modified code to display text under each social option.