Tiket Tiket is an application that provides train tickets booking service
Before starting to install the project, there're some things that need to be done first.
Make sure all of these are properly installed in your system.
Application | Download |
Git | Windows / Linux |
Node.js | Link |
React Js | Link |
MySQL | Link |
First, clone this repository into your system.
git clone https://github.com/cosmoas13/TiketTiket_DW14LQEMW.git
Then, install all the packages that described in package.json
of both client
and server
npm install
For the server setup, first, make sure your MySQL services is running fine. In server
directory, you'll find config.json
inside config
folder. Open and edit the development
configuration to match your database setup.
"development": {
"username": "root",
"password": null,
"database": "database_development",
"host": "",
"dialect": "mysql",
"operatorsAliases": false
After completing the database configuration setup, migrate all the required tables.
npm run build
We also need to configure some environtment variables for the server, let's create .env
file in server's root project, open and edit it, then input the code below.
you can custom it as you wish. But, for BASE_URL
make sure it is matched to your local network Internet Protocol.
And for the last step, running the server
npm start
Before running the application, we need to configure an environtment variable for the client, let's create .env
file in client's root project, open and edit it, then input the code below.
Note that the variable BASE_URL
above is your server network Internet Protocol. If you are using physical device, make sure your physical device and server computer have a same network connection.
Then, install and run the application.
npm start
Wait till the application is installed and run into your device. Now, you can explore TiketTiket and its features. Enjoy!
- React Js - Front-end
- Express JS - Back-end
- MySQL - Database
Kevin - cosmoas13
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public v3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details