A customizable interactive bottom sheet, which lets you interact with the screen behind it.
- Easy to use
- Customizable colors
- Customizable DraggableArea
- Customizable heights and widths of different parts of the sheet
- Possibility to declare snap points
Depend on it:
interactive_bottom_sheet: ^1.0.0
Import it:
import 'package:interactive_bottom_sheet/interactive_bottom_sheet.dart';
bottomSheet: const InteractiveBottomSheet(
options: InteractiveBottomSheetOptions(),
child: Text(
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'
bottomSheet: const Scaffold(
bottomSheet: InteractiveBottomSheet(
options: InteractiveBottomSheetOptions(
maxSize: 0.75,
backgroundColor: Colors.green,
snapList: [0.25, 0.5],
draggableAreaOptions: DraggableAreaOptions(
topBorderRadius: 10,
height: 75,
backgroundColor: Colors.grey,
indicatorColor: Colors.grey,
indicatorWidth: 50,
indicatorHeight: 50,
indicatorRadius: 10,
child: Text('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'),
To get rounded Borders at the top of the sheet (usual for iOS) on the top side of the widget, it is necessary to overwrite the bottomSheetTheme
data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(
bottomSheetTheme: const BottomSheetThemeData(
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent
child: const Scaffold(
bottomSheet: InteractiveBottomSheet(
child: Text('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'),