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IGI2 Covert Strike MEF File Format Documentation

Welcome to the IGI2 Covert Strike MEF (Mesh Exported File) File Format Documentation. This guide provides an in-depth look into the QSC script language used to handle MEF files, detailing both the ASCII and binary formats, as well as the conversion process using the gconv middleware. Additionally, it covers the structure and components of binary MEF files based on the provided MaxScript.

Table of Contents


The MEF (Mesh Exported File) format in IGI2 Covert Strike is used to store data related to characters, props, and stage models. MEF files come in two variants:

  • ASCII MEF (.mef): Human-readable format used for editing and scripting.
  • Binary MEF (.MEF): Compiled format optimized for in-game use.

The QSC script language facilitates the conversion between these formats, allowing developers to export ASCII scripts to binary MEF files using the gconv middleware.

This documentation aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the binary MEF file structure, aiding in the creation, manipulation, and troubleshooting of MEF files for modding or development purposes.

QSC Script Language Overview

QSC (QScript Compiler) is the scripting language used in IGI2 Covert Strike to define and manipulate MEF files. It enables the export of ASCII representations of MEF data and the subsequent conversion to binary format.

.mef Commands

The .mef commands are used to define and manipulate objects, materials, animations, and other resources within the MEF files. Below is a comprehensive list of commands with their descriptions and input parameters.

Command Description Input Parameters
NewObject Creates a new object or entity within the scene or model. Object_Name (String)
Material Defines a material with diffuse, specular, ambient, and emission properties. Material_ID (Int), Name (String), Diffuse_R (Float), Diffuse_G (Float), Diffuse_B (Float), Specular_R (Float), Specular_G (Float), Specular_B (Float), Ambient_R (Float), Ambient_G (Float), Ambient_B (Float), Emission_R (Float), Emission_G (Float), Emission_B (Float), Transparency_Type (Int)
MaterialShininess Sets the shininess property of a material. Material_ID (Int), Shininess (Float)
DiffuseTMap Defines the diffuse texture map for a material. Material_ID (Int), Texture_Path (String), Param1 (Int), Param2 (Int)
ReflectionTMap Defines the reflection texture map for a material. Material_ID (Int), Texture_Path (String), Param1 (Int), Param2 (Int)
BreakScript Signals the end of a script block or separates different script sections. None
Bone Defines a bone within a skeletal structure. Bone_Index (Int), Name (String), Parent_Index (Int), Position_X (Float), Position_Y (Float), Position_Z (Float)
BuildHierarchy Constructs the hierarchical structure of bones based on defined Bone commands. None
Vertex Defines a vertex in the geometry with its position in 3D space. Vertex_Index (Int), Position_X (Float), Position_Y (Float), Position_Z (Float)
VertexInfluenceRigid Defines rigid influence of a vertex on a bone with influence vector and weight for animation. Vertex_Index (Int), Bone_ID (Int), Influence_X (Float), Influence_Y (Float), Influence_Z (Float), Weight (Float)
Normal Defines a normal vector for lighting calculations. Normal_Index (Int), Vector_X (Float), Vector_Y (Float), Vector_Z (Float)
Face Defines a polygonal face in the geometry with associated normals and material. Face_Index (Int), Vertex1 (Int), Vertex2 (Int), Vertex3 (Int), Normal1 (Int), Normal2 (Int), Normal3 (Int), Material_ID (Int)
UV Defines UV mapping coordinates for a face's vertices. UV_Index (Int), U1 (Float), V1 (Float), U2 (Float), V2 (Float), U3 (Float), V3 (Float)
MagicVertex Defines special properties or behaviors for a specific vertex, possibly for effects or animations. MagicVertex_Index (Int), Parameter1 (Int), Value1 (Float), Value2 (Float), Value3 (Float), Flag (Int)
Glow Defines a glow effect with specified position, intensity, and color. Position_X (Float), Position_Y (Float), Position_Z (Float), Intensity (Float), Color_R (Float), Color_G (Float), Color_B (Float)
MorphChannel Defines a morph target channel for animation blending. Channel_Index (Int), Channel_Name (String)
MorphVertex Defines the displacement of a vertex in a morph target channel. Channel_Index (Int), Vertex_Index (Int), Delta_X (Float), Delta_Y (Float), Delta_Z (Float)
AttachObject Attaches an object or mesh to a bone or a specific location, with transformation matrices. Object_Name (String), Attach_Index (Int), Matrix (12 Floats), Position_X (Float), Position_Y (Float), Position_Z (Float)
AttachObjectBoneID Specifies the bone ID to which an object is attached. Attach_Index (Int), Bone_ID (Int)
SetModelDirectory Specifies the directory where model files are located. Directory_Path (String)
SetTextureDirectory Specifies the directory where texture files are located. Directory_Path (String)
SetPaletteDirectory Specifies the directory where palette files are located. Directory_Path (String)
SetTempDirectory Specifies the directory for temporary files during the build process. Directory_Path (String)
SetScale Sets the scaling factor for models during the build process. Scale_Factor (Float)
SetTargetPlatform Defines the target platform for which the models are being built (e.g., PC, Xbox). Platform_Name (String)
StartTexScript Begins a texture script block, potentially for managing texture-related operations. Script_Name (String)
SetLightmapResolution Sets the resolution for lightmaps used in texture mapping. Resolution (Int) or Resolution (Float)
CreateCompleteModelRigid Creates and compiles a rigid model into the resource file. Model_File_Name (String)
CreateCompleteModelBone Creates and compiles a bone-animated model into the resource file. Model_File_Name (String)
CreateCompleteModelLightmap Creates and compiles a lightmapped model into the resource file. Model_File_Name (String)
CreateModelBoneNotVirtual Creates and compiles a bone-animated model that is not virtual (i.e., a base model). Model_File_Name (String)
CreateVirtualModel Creates a virtual model based on another model, possibly for variations or LODs. Virtual_Model_Name (String), Base_Model_Name (String)
CreateShadowVolume Creates a shadow volume for a model, used in shadow rendering. Model_File_Name (String)
EndTexScript Ends a texture script block initiated by StartTexScript. None
BuildStatic Compiles all specified static models into a resource file, associating them under a given identifier. Build_Name (String)
SetLightmapResolutionDivider Sets the divider for lightmap resolution, adjusting the resolution of lightmaps. Divider (Int)
CreateModelRigidNotVirtual Creates and compiles a rigid model that is not virtual. Model_File_Name (String)
SetAnimDirectory Specifies the directory where animation files are located. Directory_Path (String)
SetCharParts Sets character parts for models, possibly defining modular character assembly. Parts_List (String)
EndAnim Ends an animation block initiated by BeginAnim. None

QSC Commands

Additional QSC commands used for setting directories, scaling, and other configurations are listed below:

Command Description Input Parameters
SetModelDirectory Specifies the directory where model files are located. Directory_Path (String)
SetTextureDirectory Specifies the directory where texture files are located. Directory_Path (String)
SetPaletteDirectory Specifies the directory where palette files are located. Directory_Path (String)
SetTempDirectory Specifies the directory for temporary files during the build process. Directory_Path (String)
SetScale Sets the scaling factor for models during the build process. Scale_Factor (Float)
SetTargetPlatform Defines the target platform for which the models are being built (e.g., PC, Xbox). Platform_Name (String)
StartTexScript Begins a texture script block, potentially for managing texture-related operations. Script_Name (String)
SetLightmapResolution Sets the resolution for lightmaps used in texture mapping. Resolution (Int) or Resolution (Float)
CreateCompleteModelRigid Creates and compiles a rigid model into the resource file. Model_File_Name (String)
CreateCompleteModelBone Creates and compiles a bone-animated model into the resource file. Model_File_Name (String)
CreateCompleteModelLightmap Creates and compiles a lightmapped model into the resource file. Model_File_Name (String)
CreateModelBoneNotVirtual Creates and compiles a bone-animated model that is not virtual (i.e., a base model). Model_File_Name (String)
CreateVirtualModel Creates a virtual model based on another model, possibly for variations or LODs. Virtual_Model_Name (String), Base_Model_Name (String)
CreateShadowVolume Creates a shadow volume for a model, used in shadow rendering. Model_File_Name (String)
EndTexScript Ends a texture script block initiated by StartTexScript. None
BuildStatic Compiles all specified static models into a resource file, associating them under a given identifier. Build_Name (String)
SetLightmapResolutionDivider Sets the divider for lightmap resolution, adjusting the resolution of lightmaps. Divider (Int)
CreateModelRigidNotVirtual Creates and compiles a rigid model that is not virtual. Model_File_Name (String)
SetAnimDirectory Specifies the directory where animation files are located. Directory_Path (String)
SetCharParts Sets character parts for models, possibly defining modular character assembly. Parts_List (String)
EndAnim Ends an animation block initiated by BeginAnim. None

Conversion Process

QSC to Binary MEF with gconv

The conversion from ASCII MEF scripts to binary MEF files involves the following steps:

  1. Write QSC Scripts: Define the MEF content in QSC scripts (.qsc files), specifying all necessary properties and structures.

  2. Export ASCII MEF: Use QSC scripts to export the ASCII representation of MEF files (.mef).

  3. Convert to Binary MEF: Utilize the gconv middleware to convert the ASCII .mef files into binary .MEF files, which are optimized for in-game usage.

  4. Integration: Replace or add the binary .MEF files to the game's directory to implement the changes.

GConv CLI Options

Option Description Default Value
-? Help. None
-all Make all files. None
`-AutoMipMap=<[ON] [OFF]>` Enable/disable automatic mipmap generation for textures.
`-AutoVQ=<[ON] [OFF]>` Enable/disable forced VQ compression.
-BumpHeight=<0-999> Height of bumpmap. 32
`-ConversionMode=<[ARGB1555] [...]>` Set default texture format.
-debug Keep temporary files. (For debugging) None
-DefaultAlignment=<value> Set resource default alignment. None
-DefaultSoundConvertMethod=<value> Set default sound conversion method (e.g., SOUNDPACKMETHOD_RAW, SOUNDPACKMETHOD_ADPCM). SOUND_PACKMETHOD_RAW_RESIDENT
`-Dither=<[ON] [OFF]>` Enable/disable dithering.
-ErrorLevel=[0..3] Set converter error level. 0: Ignore all errors, 1: Print all errors, 2: Display error message box, 3: Abort. None
`-FontAutoScan=<[ON] [OFF]>` Enable/disable font graphics autoscanning.
-gui Start GCONV GUI. None
-h Help. None
`-HalfSize=<[ON] [OFF]>` Enable/disable texture reduction.
-help Help. None
`-IncludePalette=<[ON] [OFF]>` Enable/disable palette inclusion in texture.
`-IncludeResourceDebug=<[ON] [OFF]>` Include resource debug information.
-InputPath=[path] Set input path variable. None
-noexec Don't execute script. (For debugging) None
-none Make no files, build resources only. None
`-OutputMode=<[Dreamcast] [...]>` Set default output platform.
-OutputPath=[path] Set output path variable. None
`-ReplaceApostrophes=<[ON] [OFF]>` Replace Æ with ' in string resources.
`-StripResourceDebug=<[ON] [OFF]>` Strip resource debug information.
-TempPath=[path] Set temporary path variable. None
-TextureScaleFactor=[1..9] Set default texture scaling factor. 5
`-Transparency=<[ON] [OFF]>` Enable/disable texture transparency.
-TransparentColour=[colour #] Set transparent colour number. 0
`-UpToDateCheck=<[ON] [OFF]>` Enable/disable up-to-date check on target files.
`-UseVQdll=<[ON] [OFF]>` Use VQdll for compression instead of PVRconv.
-Verbosity=[0..5] Set converter message level. 0: No messages, 5: All messages. 2

Binary MEF File Structure

Binary MEF files are structured in a hierarchical manner, consisting of a file header followed by various chunks that encapsulate different aspects of the mesh data.

File Header

The file header contains basic information about the MEF file, including its type, size, and content type.

Data Type Variable Description
uint32 file_type File identifier (e.g., 'FFLI' which is 0x46464C49)
uint32 file_size Total file size in bytes
uint32 file_unk1 Unknown (typically set to 4)
uint32 file_unk2 Unknown (typically set to 0)
uint32 chunk_type Chunk identifier (e.g., 'MECO' which is 0x4D45434F)
void*[] chunks Array of content chunks
  • file_type: Identifies the file format.
  • file_size: The total size of the MEF file in bytes.
  • file_unk1 & file_unk2: Unknown fields, typically set to specific default values.
  • chunk_type: Specifies the type of content contained within the file.
  • chunks: An array holding various content chunks that define different aspects of the mesh.


Data Type Variable Description
uint32 type Type of the chunk (e.g., 0x4D455348 for MESH)
uint32 data Size of data following this chunk
uint32 flag Always 4
uint32 size Size of the chunk

Chunk Types and Their Codes

Here are the four-character codes for each chunk type used in the Binary MEF format:

Four-Character Code Code (Hex) Integer Value Description
MESH 0x4D455348 1296388936 Main mesh data
ATTA 0x41545441 1096045633 Attachments
MVTX 0x4D565458 1297503320 Magic Vertexes
RD3D 0x52443344 1380201284 Render 3D
FACE 0x46414345 1178682181 Faces
VRTX 0x56525458 1448236120 Vertexes
CVTX 0x43565458 1129731160 Collision Vertexes
CFCE 0x43464345 1128678213 Collision Faces
CMAT 0x434D4154 1129136468 Collision Material
CSPH 0x43535048 1129533512 Collision Sphere
HIER 0x48494552 1212761426 Hierarchy Information
BNAM 0x424E414D 1112424781 Bone Name
GLOW 0x474C4F57 1196183383 Lights
PORT 0x504F5254 1347375700 Portals
PTVX 0x50545658 1347704408 Portal Vertexes
PTFC 0x50544643 1347700291 Portal Faces
LTMP 0x4C544D50 1280593232 Lightmap
MRPH 0x4D525048 1297240136 Morph data
SVTX 0x53565458 1398166616 Shadow Vertex
SFAC 0x53464143 1397113155 Shadow Face
EDGE 0x45444745 1162102597 Edges


Chunks are modular sections within the MEF file, each representing different data components such as mesh data, textures, materials, etc. Each chunk starts with a 16-byte header followed by its specific data.


Defines the primary mesh data, including vertices, faces, and other mesh-related information.

Data Type Variable Description
float unk01 Unknown field
MecoDateStamp_t date Datestamp and timestamp (28 bytes)
uint32 model_type Indicates the type of model (e.g., character, prop, stage)
uint32 unk10 Unknown field
uint32 unk11 Unknown field
uint32 unk12 Unknown field
MecoMeshSphere_t[] unk16 Array of 3 mesh spheres
uint32 num_r_faces Number of render faces
uint32 num_r_verts Number of render vertices
uint32 num_r_buffer Number of render buffers
uint32 sum_c_faces Cumulative face count
uint32 sum_c_verts Cumulative vertex count
uint32 sum_c_buffer Cumulative buffer count
float model_radius Radius of the model for collision detection
uint16 num_mverts Number of morph vertices
uint16 num_attach Number of attachments
uint16 num_pverts Number of portal vertices
uint16 num_pfaces Number of portal faces
uint16 num_portals Number of portals
uint16 num_bones Number of bones in the skeleton
uint16 num_glows Number of glow effects
uint16[19] reserve Reserved fields for future use or padding


Represents attachments related to the mesh, such as weapons, equipment, or other linked objects.

Data Type Variable Description
char[16] name Name of the attachment
float[12] unk42 Unknown fields
uint32 unk43 Unknown field
int32 bone_index Index of the bone to attach to


Stores morph vertex data, used for mesh morphing and animations.

Data Type Variable Description
float[4] x, y, z, w Morph target coordinates


Contains render-related data for the mesh.

Data Type Variable Description
uint32 flag Rendering flags
uint32 num_faces Number of faces
uint32 num_meshes Number of meshes
uint32 num_vertices Number of vertices
uint32[5] reserved_type0 Reserved fields for size 36 bytes (model_type 0)
uint32 verts_0 Verts for size 40 bytes (model_type 1)
uint32 verts_1 Verts for size 40 bytes (model_type 1)
uint32 num_vertices_extra Additional vertex count for model_type 1
uint32[4] reserved_type1 Reserved fields for size 40 bytes (model_type 1)
uint32 num_lightmaps Number of lightmaps for model_type 3
uint32[6] reserved_type3 Reserved fields for size 44 bytes (model_type 3)
uint32[] reserved_extra Reserved fields for unknown sizes


Defines the bone hierarchy for skeletal animations.

Data Type Variable Description
uint8[] num_children Number of child bones for each bone
float[3][] position Position of each bone in the hierarchy


Stores bone names.

Data Type Variable Description
char[16][] names Array of bone names (16 chars)


Defines the face indices of the mesh.

Data Type Variable Description
uint16[] face Each face consists of three vertex indices


Holds rendering data for materials and submeshes.

Data Type Variable Description
uint8 opacity Opacity of the material
uint8 material_shininess Shininess property of the material
uint8 diffuse_color Diffuse color of the material
uint8 opacity_detail Opacity detail of the material
float[3] position Position coordinates
uint16 face_pos Position index of faces
uint16 face_count Number of faces
uint16 vertex_pos Position index of vertices
uint16 vertex_count Number of vertices
int16 texture_diffuse_index Index of the diffuse texture
int16 texture_bump_index Index of the bump texture (DTYPE_DNER_0_and_1)
int16 texture_reflection_index Index of the reflection texture (DTYPE_DNER_0_and_1)
uint8 texture_reflection_detail Reflection detail (DTYPE_DNER_0_and_1)
uint8 texture_bump_detail Bump detail (DTYPE_DNER_0_and_1)
int16 lightmap_index Lightmap index (DTYPE_DNER_3)
uint32[] reserved_extra Reserved extra data


Contains vertex data for the mesh.

Data Type Variable Description
float[3] position Vertex position coordinates
float[2] texcoord0 Primary texture coordinates
float[3] normal Normal vectors (optional based on model type)
float weight Weight for vertex influence (optional)
float[2] texcoord1 Secondary texture coordinates (optional)
uint16 vertex_index Vertex normal index
uint16 bone_index Bone index influencing this vertex


Represents collision vertices used for physics calculations.

Data Type Variable Description
float[3] position Position of the collision vertex
uint32 bone_index Bone index for collision binding
uint32 unk78 Unknown field


Defines collision faces for physics interactions.

Data Type Variable Description
uint16[3] face Indices of the vertices forming the face
int16 material_index Index of the material used for collision
int16 unk80 Unknown field
int16 unk81 Unknown field


Stores collision material properties.

Data Type Variable Description
uint32 unk48 Unknown field
uint16 unk49 Unknown field
uint16 unk50 Unknown field
uint32 unk51 Unknown field
uint32 unk52 Unknown field


Defines collision spheres used for bounding and collision detection.

Data Type Variable Description
float[3] position Center position of the collision sphere
float radius Radius of the collision sphere
uint16 unk72 Unknown field
uint16 unk73 Unknown field
uint16 unk74 Unknown field
uint16 unk75 Unknown field


Contains morph target data for animations.

Data Type Variable Description
uint32 index Index of the morph target
float[3] delta Delta values for vertex positions


Represents collision mesh data.

Data Type Variable Description
uint32 num_faces Number of collision faces
uint32 num_vertices Number of collision vertices
uint32 num_materials Number of collision materials
uint32 num_spheres Number of collision spheres
uint32[] reserved Reserved fields for future use or padding


Stores collision material properties.

Data Type Variable Description
uint32 unk48 Unknown field
uint16 unk49 Unknown field
uint16 unk50 Unknown field
uint32 unk51 Unknown field
uint32 unk52 Unknown field


Defines collision spheres used for bounding and collision detection.

Data Type Variable Description
float[3] position Center position of the collision sphere
float radius Radius of the collision sphere
uint16 unk72 Unknown field
uint16 unk73 Unknown field
uint16 unk74 Unknown field
uint16 unk75 Unknown field


Contains morph target data for animations.

Data Type Variable Description
uint32 index Index of the morph target
float[3] delta Delta values for vertex positions


Represents collision mesh data.

Data Type Variable Description
uint32 num_faces Number of collision faces
uint32 num_vertices Number of collision vertices
uint32 num_materials Number of collision materials
uint32 num_spheres Number of collision spheres
uint32[] reserved Reserved fields for future use or padding


The Binary MEF file format is designed to efficiently store mesh data along with related assets such as materials and animations. Each chunk type serves a specific purpose, allowing for organized access to the data needed for rendering and interaction in the game engine.

The structured format ensures that developers can parse and utilize the data effectively, whether it involves importing models into a 3D environment, implementing animations, or setting up collision detection. By understanding the layout and contents of the Binary MEF, developers can create custom tools or scripts to manipulate and optimize the models for use within the game, enhancing performance and visual fidelity.

IRES Image Resource Format

RES File Header

The .res file begins with a header providing basic information about the file. The table below details the structure of the header.

Offset (bytes) Data Type Variable Description
0 uint32_t magic Magic number 0x46464C49 ('ILFF'), identifying the "Inner Loop File Format"
4 uint32_t filesize Total file size in bytes, excluding the 4-byte magic field
8 uint32_t alignment Alignment value, typically 4 bytes (default: 4)
12 uint32_t reserved Reserved for future use, usually 0
16 uint32_t res_type Resource type identifier 0x53455249 ('IRES'), indicating an image resource

Chunks in RES File

After the header, the .res file contains multiple chunks. Each chunk has a standard structure followed by a variable-length buffer containing the chunk data.

Offset (bytes) Data Type Variable Description
0 uint32_t type Type identifier of the chunk (e.g., 'NAME', 'BODY')
4 uint32_t buffer_size Size of the buffer containing the chunk data (in bytes)
8 uint32_t alignment Alignment value, usually 4 bytes (default: 4)
12 uint32_t chunk_size Size of the chunk data (in bytes); not always used for skipping
16 uint8_t[] buffer Chunk data buffer, of size buffer_size

To properly skip a chunk, use the formula: (buffer_size + 16) aligned by the alignment value.

NAME Chunk

The NAME chunk contains a null-terminated string representing the name or path of the resource.

Offset (bytes) Data Type Variable Description
0 char[] name Null-terminated string specifying the resource's name or file path

BODY Chunk

The BODY chunk contains image data and metadata. The exact image data format is determined by the metadata fields within the chunk.

Offset (bytes) Data Type Variable Description
0 uint32_t type Image type identifier, typically 0x504F4F4C ('LOOP')
4 uint32_t unk1 Unknown field (possibly image format/type information)
8 uint32_t unk2 Unknown field, often observed as 67
12 uint32_t unk3 Unknown field, usually 0
16 uint32_t unk4 Unknown field, usually 0
20 uint16_t mip_count Number of mip levels (often 5)
22 uint16_t width_1 First width field of the image (in pixels)
24 uint16_t height_1 First height field of the image (in pixels)
26 uint16_t width_2 Second width field of the image (in pixels)
28 uint16_t height_2 Second height field of the image (in pixels)
30 uint16_t unk5 Unknown field, often observed as 4
32 uint8_t[] image_data Raw image data; typically in 32-bit per pixel format (BGRA, 8 bits each)

Notes on Parsing a RES File

  • Skipping Chunks: To skip over a chunk, use (buffer_size + 16), then align to the next boundary according to the alignment.
  • Image Data: The image data in the BODY chunk typically uses a 32-bit BGRA format. The dimensions are usually determined by width_1 and height_1.
  • Unknown Fields: Some fields in the BODY chunk, such as unk1, unk2, unk3, unk4, and unk5, may require further investigation to fully understand their meaning.

Additional Resources

For more detailed information regarding the specific structures and implementations related to the Binary MEF file format, consider referring to the following resources:

This concludes the documentation on the Binary MEF file structure. Feel free to reach out for further clarification or additional details on specific sections!