This is a take home exercise where we'll build an web app.
Your job is to take the following API and build an app that matches as closely as possible the provided design spec.
The app will display a collection of birds along with some information, and when clicking on a bird, a detail modal will appear, where users will be able to zoom in on the bird's image and also register a note on that particular bird.
As part of the assignment, you'll get a link to a Figma document that shows the spec for the project. A big consideration of the assignment is to recreate the design spec as closely as possible. This aspect of the exercise will be looked at in special detail. Certain aspects of the UX will be left to the candidate, such as animations. In case you have any questions, you are encouraged to ask them.
The API will be GraphQL based and is hosted in
. As part of the assignment, you'll get an access
token that you'll need to pass into the Authorization
header as such:
"Authorization": "Bearer <accessToken>"
The schema for the API is the following:
type Query {
birds: [Bird!]!
bird(id: ID!): Bird
type Mutation {
addNote(birdId: ID!, comment: String!, timestamp: Int!): ID
type Bird {
id: ID!
thumb_url: String!
image_url: String!
latin_name: String!
english_name: String!
notes: [Note!]!
type Note {
id: ID!
comment: String!
timestamp: Int! # Milliseconds from epoch.
As a starting point, a Vite app is provided along with a client that you can use to query and mutate data. You are not required to use this app or client, feel free to use a different React framework or querying library. If using the existing app feel free to move the client creation code around for organization purposes, or any other changes you might want to add. It is only provided for convenience.
All images that will be shown on screen shall be watermarked. In order to watermark, you need to invoke the following HTTP function:
The body should contain the bytes of the image (should be jpeg, the original format of the bird
URLs), and the headers should contain the application/octet-stream
Content-Type header, and the
number of bytes in the Content-Length header. The response will have the Content-Length header, the
Content-Type header with image/jpeg
, and the body will be the bytes of a JPEG image.
Again, if you have any questions or issues, you are encouraged to ask the interviewer.
If you need them, feel free to use npm dependencies. Any dependency is also allowed (as long as they don't abstract large portions of the assignment).
Please clone this repository and create a new private Github repository under your account, giving read access to the interviewer (or create a public repository if you want to, this is up to you).
Please also send an email to the interviewer letting them know that you've finished the exercise.
- UI matches the design spec as closely as possible.
- Handle slow and failed downloads gracefully.
- App responsiveness (handle background tasks efficiently).
Feel free to ask any questions to the interviewer throughout the process!