An Open edX Plugin that implements customizations for deployment to Kubernetes. Implements the following:
- Hooks for openedx Django Signals for 'user_logged_in', 'user_logged_out', 'register_user', 'course_enrollment_created', 'certificate_created' and more. Demonstrates both the legacy, and the newer methodology for subscribing to and listening for the signals.
- Scaffolding for waffle flag setup, including Django model initializations. These are currently only used to enable Django Signals.
- A custom badges backend that is compatible with django-storages backend for Amazon S3
See Installing extra xblocks and requirements
tutor config save # to ensure that tutor's root folder system has been created
# OPTION 1: install as a PyPi package
echo "cookiecutter-openedx-plugin>=0.1.3" >> "$(tutor config printroot)/env/build/openedx/requirements/private.txt"
# OPTION 2: install as an editable requirement
echo "-e git+" >> "$(tutor config printroot)/env/build/openedx/requirements/private.txt"
cat "$(tutor config printroot)/env/build/openedx/requirements/private.txt"
tutor images build openedx
tutor local quickstart
Add the following to your Cookiecutter Github Actions Build workflow
- name: Add cookiecutter-openedx-plugin
uses: openedx-actions/tutor-plugin-build-openedx-add-requirement
pip-package: cookiecutter-openedx-plugin
pip-package-version: "0.1.3"
Documentation is available here: Documentation
To get community support, go to the official Open edX discussion forum:
We welcome contributions! cookiecutter-openedx-plugin is part of the cookiecutter-openedx project. Pull requests are welcome in all repos belonging to this organization. You can also contact Lawrence McDaniel directly.
- Use the same virtual environment that you use for edx-platform
- Ensure that your Python interpreter to 3.8x
- install black:
- install flake8:
- install flake8-coding:
# Run these from within your edx-platform virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
cd /path/to/edx-platform
pip install -r requirements/edx/base.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/coverage.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/development.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/pip-tools.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/testing.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/doc.txt
pip install -r requirements/edx/paver.txt
pip install pre-commit black flake8
pre-commit install
- run
on modified code before committing. - run
flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
- run
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
- run
pre-commit run --all-files
before pushing. see:
To avoid freaky version conflicts in prod it's a good idea to install all of the edx-platform requirements to your local dev virtual environment.
- requirements/edx/base.txt
- requirements/edx/develop.txt,
- requirements/edx/testing.txt
At a minimum this will give you the full benefit of your IDE's linter.