This repository contains code for the environments presented in: Analytic Manifold Learning: Unifying and Evaluating Representations for Continuous Control
title={Analytic Manifold Learning: Unifying and Evaluating Representations for Continuous Control},
author={Rika Antonova and Maksim Maydanskiy and Danica Kragic and Sam Devlin and Katja Hofmann},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.08718},
The environments implement AuxEnv interface.
This interface enables reporting both high-dimensional state (RGB images or point clouds) and low-dimensional state (e.g. robot joint angles, velocities, contacts).
RearrangeGeom, RearrangeYcb, YcbOnIncline environments proposed by the arXiv paper are visualized below:
The package also contains wrappers for existing pyBullet benchmark environments to enable reporting both high-dimensional and low-dimensional state.
virtualenv -p `which python3` BULB_ENV
source BULB_ENV/bin/activate
pip install numpy
pip install -e .
Note: the above instructions install numpy before other packages that depend on PyBullet to ensure numpy-based parsing of point clouds.
To use envs in your python code do: import bulb
(this would
do gym registration).
python -m bulb.env_demo \
--env_name=ReacherRearrangeGeomIM64-v0 \
--num_episodes=10 --visualize
python -m bulb.env_demo \
--env_name=YcbOnInclinePT1024-v0 --visualize
python -m bulb.env_demo \
--env_name=GeomOnInclineLD-v3 --debug
The pattern for env names is:
- LD: low-dimensional simulation state is reported as obs.
- IM: camera image is reported as obs (3 x H x W numpy array with pixel values in [0,1] and H=W=resolution).
- PT: point cloud of the scene is reported as obs (num. pts = resolution).
RearrangeYcb and YcbOnIncline envs have 6 versions with various backgrouns and objects.
Rearrange envs have two choices for the robot: Reacher and Franka. The robot names are used as a prefix to BaseEnvName.
Replace Ycb with Geom to get envs with simple geometric shapes instead of objects from YCB meshes.
Using --debug
flag will cause the envs to print debug
information about state and actions and will make the demo also
output png files with visualized imagse or point clouds to /tmp/
Using --visualize
will disable debug prints (since the behavior
can be seen in the PyBullet simulator visualization).
The pattern for PyBullet benchmark env names is:
Environments with the following BaseEnvNames are available:
InvertedPendulum, InvertedDoublePendulum, InvertedPendulumSwingup, Hopper, Walker2D, HalfCheetah, AntBullet, Kuka
The above have continuous action space and version v=0
is available with discrete action space and version v=1
python -m bulb.env_demo --env_name=AntBulletEnvLD-v0 --visualize
python -m bulb.env_demo --env_name=HalfCheetahBulletEnvIM64-v0 --visualize
python -m bulb.env_demo --env_name=CartPoleBulletEnvPT1024-v1 --visualize
Note that pyBullet has problems with reporting point cloud data for XML-based robots (from MJCF formats), so benchmarks like pendulum envs and locomotion envs with XML-based robots are affected by this issue. Robots in the URDF format seem to be unaffected by this problem.
This package provides several envs for which point cloud output
works fine: CartPoleBulletEnvPT1024-v1
YcbOnIncline, ReacherRearrange, FrankaRearrange.
Example of CartPole with 1024 points in a point cloud:
python -m bulb.env_demo --env_name=CartPoleBulletEnvPT1024-v1 --visualize
Below is a visualization of YcbOnIncline with one of 6 YCB objects with an observation as a point cloud with 1024 points. The goal is to keep the object in the center of the incline. RL has 1D action that just pushes the object up/down along the incline with the given force. The force and direction are visualized with a text annotation on the (debug) image.
python -m bulb.env_demo --env_name=YcbOnInclinePT1024-v5 --visualize
Note: incline plane is not included in the point cloud for faster processing.
Replace 1024 with any of 64,128,256,512,2048 to get a smaller/larger
number of points in the point clouds,
e.g. YcbOnInclinePT256-v5
Replace -v5
with any version from 0 to 5 to get a different object,
e.g. YcbOnInclinePT1024-v2
Replace Ycb with Geom to use simple shapes:
e.g. GeomOnInclinePT1024-v5
Use suffix Sm
for small and Md
for medium sized object,
e.g. GeomOnInclineMdPT1024-v5
For envs with a simple reacher robot use:
python -m bulb.env_demo --env_name=ReacherRearrangeOneYcbPT2048-v1 --visualize
Note: point clouds visualizations on the right are given from a different step, just to give a general idea; they are not supposed to correspond to the env visualization on the left (that is recorded at the start of the episode).
name can be altered as follows:
- Remove
to load 4 objects - Replace
to load simple shapes - Can choose from versions 0-5 to get different objects and color textures
python -m bulb.env_demo --env_name=ReacherRearrangeGeomPT1024-v0 --visualize
See example output images and point cloud visualizations in misc/img folder.
A note about this implementation: The code in this package is for basic academic experiments. It favors simplicity over performance and does not try to follow any particular style guidelines. It would be organized differently if we aimed for reliability/deployment in an industrial setting.