- Over a thousand commits, many repositories, and hundreds-of-thousands of lines of code later, Confesi has been postponed indefinitely; it's been an awesome journey. Special thanks to everyone who worked on it!
- This GitHub Organization was created solely to act as an "archive" of all the code, and the assorted repositories were moved over from the private accounts they were under during development.
- Here is an article written about the current state of the project (as of February 2024).
- Contact us if you have any inquiries.
- Many repositories here were never "made public-ready", but simply opened up now that the project's development has been postponed indefinitely. Thus, they're "messy" and in an "in-development" state.
- The main two repositories are: confesi-server and confesi-client.
- In the side-bar it shows just one member, me. The other contributors seem to simply have their Confesi Organization membership private.
- The project included: infinite feeds, voting, threaded comments, tailored in-app notifications and emails, trending/recents/sentiment-based content sorting, live anonymous chat, full authentication flows, hottest daily posts, achievements and badges, global user statistics, university leaderboards, profiles, curated content by individual campus, admin/mod roles, text/video/image uploads, iOS and Android support, deep settings and customization options/preferences, and much more.
- Tech used (in the final iteration): Gin, Hive, Drift, Dart, Figma, Docker, Firebase, HTML, CSS, Redis, GCP, AWS, testing frameworks, JavaScript, Edge & pub-sub functions, GitHub Actions, Git/GitHub, Webflow, Flutter, PostgreSQL, Go, cron jobs, and more.
Most images are now out-of-date, and lots of screens are missing, but here are a few of the working app mid-development: