This is an interactive visualization of the plots in the paper: the endo-exo map, observed and fitted popularity series and video metadata. It has additional visualizations of TED videos and VEVO musicians. Furthermore, it allows users to add and compare their own videos.
The project was introduced in this paper:
Quyu Kong, Marian-Andrei Rizoiu, Siqi Wu, and Lexing Xie. 2018. Will
This Video Go Viral? Explaining and Predicting the Popularity of Youtube
Videos. In WWW ’18 Companion: The 2018 Web Conference Companion,
April 23–27, 2018, Lyon, France. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4 pages.
A public available version of HIPie is hosted at . If one wants to run a local version, please follow these steps:
- Clone the repo
- Fill in the Google developer key in file: scripts/
- Install required R packages by running requiredPackages.R
- Open the project in Rstudio and it will be detected as a Shiny project
- Click Run in Rstudio and the project will start running
Both dataset and code are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, a copy of which can be obtained following this link. If you require a different license, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].