#CiviCRM Contact Calendar
Contact Calendar is a CiviCRM extension that displays activities where the contact is a assignee or target contact. The calendar is useful when the activities are in the future and people are planning if they are free.
CiviCRM 4.2+
######Download this extension:
- The development version: https://github.com/Compucorp/uk.co.compucorp.civicrm.contactcalendar/archive/master.zip
- version 1.0 alpha: https://github.com/Compucorp/uk.co.compucorp.civicrm.contactcalendar/archive/v1.0.alpha.zip
If you download the zipball when you extract you must remame the extension directory must be extactly "uk.co.compucorp.civicrm.contactcalendar".
Enable extension
- Extract it to your CiviCRM Extensions Directory
- Load your extension in CiviCRM Extensions page.
See [install an extension from within CiviCRM.](http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMD OC42/Extensions) for more information.