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kevincheng96 committed Jun 5, 2024
1 parent 8740a16 commit da7d9bc
Showing 1 changed file with 293 additions and 0 deletions.
293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions src/builder/QuarkBuilder.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;

import {IQuarkWallet} from "quark-core/src/interfaces/IQuarkWallet.sol";
import {TransferActions} from "../DeFiScripts.sol";

contract QuarkBuilder {
string constant VERSION = "1";

// TODO: move to Builder implementation

string constant ACTION_TYPE_BRIDGE = "BRIDGE";

string constant PAYMENT_CURRENCY_USD = "usd";
string constant PAYMENT_CURRENCY_USDC = "usdc";

error InsufficientFunds();
error MaxCostTooHigh();

struct BuilderResult {
// version of the builder interface. (Same as VERSION, but attached to the output.)
string version;
// array of quark operations to execute to fulfill the client intent
QuarkWallet.QuarkOperation[] quarkOperations;
// array of action context and other metadata corresponding 1:1 with quarkOperations
QuarkAction[] quarkActions;
// EIP-712 digest to sign for a MultiQuarkOperation to fulfill the client intent.
// Empty when quarkOperations.length == 0.
bytes multiQuarkOperationDigest;
// EIP-712 digest to sign for a single QuarkOperation to fulfill the client intent.
// Empty when quarkOperations.length != 1.
bytes quarkOperationDigest;
// client-provided paymentCurrency string that was used to derive token addresses.
// client may re-use this string to construct a request that simulates the transaction.
string paymentCurrency;

// With QuarkAction, we try to define fields that are as 1:1 as possible with the
// simulate endpoint request schema.
struct QuarkAction {
uint256 chainId;
string actionType;
bytes actionContext;
// One of the PAYMENT_METHOD_* constants.
string paymentMethod;
// Address of payment token on chainId.
// Null address if the payment method was OFFCHAIN.
address paymentToken;
uint256 paymentMaxCost;

struct TransferActionContext {
uint256 amount;
uint256 price;
address token;
uint256 chainId;
address recipient;

struct BridgeActionContext {
uint256 amount;
uint256 price;
address token;
uint256 chainId;
address recipient;
uint256 destinationChainId;

struct ChainAccounts {
uint256 chainId;
QuarkState[] quarkStates;
AssetPositions[] assetPositionsList;

// We map this to the Portfolio data structure that the client will already have.
// This includes fields that builder may not necessarily need, however it makes
// the client encoding that much simpler.
struct QuarkState {
address account;
bool hasCode;
bool isQuark;
string quarkVersion;
uint256 quarkNextNonce;

// Similarly, this is designed to intentionally reduce the encoding burden for the client
// by making it equivalent in structure to data already in portfolios.
struct AssetPositions {
address asset;
string symbol;
uint256 decimals;
uint256 usdPrice;
AccountBalance[] accountBalances;

struct AccountBalance {
address account;
uint256 balance;

struct Payment {
bool isToken;
string currency;
uint256[] chainIds;
uint256[] maxCosts;

function getPriceFeed(string assetSymbol, uint256 chaindId) internal pure (address) {


// TODO: handle transfer max
function transfer(
uint256 chainId,
string assetSymbol,

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fluffywaffles Jun 6, 2024


maybe we should consider being generous about the inputs we accept, and making the symbol case-insensitive.

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kevincheng96 Jun 6, 2024

Author Contributor

Yeah I think we need to be transforming all symbols to lower case before comparing them.

uint256 amount,
address recipient,
Payment calldata payment,
ChainAccounts[] calldata chainAccountsList
) external pure returns (BuilderResult memory) {
// TODO: Input validation: Check that arrays are equal length (e.g. chainIds and maxCosts in Payment)
AssetPositions[] paymentAssetAccounts;
// Get transfer and payment token
// TODO: implement filterAccounts
transferAssetAccounts = filterAccounts(assetSymbol, chainAccountsList);
if (payment.isToken) {
paymentAssetAccounts = filterAccounts(payment.currency, chainAccountsList);

// There are not enough funds to fulfill the transfer.
// aggregate amount of asset on every chain < transfer amount
uint256 transferAssetBalance;
for (uint i = 0; i < transferAssetAccounts.length; ++i) {
for (uint j = 0; j < transferAssetAccounts[i].accountBalances.length; ++j) {
transferAssetBalance += transferAssetAccounts[i].accountBalances[j].balance;
if (transferAssetBalance < amount) {
revert InsufficientFunds();

// There are not enough funds to satisfy the total max payment cost, after transferring.
// (amount of payment token on chain id - transfer amount (IF IS SAME TOKEN AND SAME CHAIN ID)) < maxPaymentAmount on chain id
for (uint i = 0; i < payment.maxCosts.length; ++i) {
paymentAssetBalanceOnChain = getBalanceOnChain(payment.currency, payment.chainIds[i], chainAccountsList);
if (payment.currency == assetSymbol && chainId == payment.chainIds[i]) {
// TODO: this could underflow
paymentAssetBalanceOnChain -= transferAmount;
if (paymentAssetBalanceOnChain < payment.maxCosts[i]) {
revert MaxCostTooHigh();

// For some reason, funds that may otherwise be bridgeable or held by the user cannot be made available to fulfill the transaction.
// Funds cannot be bridged, e.g. no bridge exists
// Funds cannot be withdrawn from comet, e.g. no reserves
// In order to consider the availability here, we’d need comet data to be passed in as an input. (So, if we were including withdraw.)

// Construct Quark Operations:

// If Payment.isToken:
// Wrap Quark operation around a Paycall/Quotecall
// Process for generating Paycall transaction:

// We need to find the (payment token address, payment token price feed address) to derive the CREATE2 address of the Paycall script
// TODO: define helper function to get (payment token address, payment token price feed address) given a chain ID

// TODO:
// If not enough assets on the chain ID:
// Then bridging is required AND/OR withdraw from Comet is required
// Prepend a bridge action to the list of actions
// Bridge `amount` of `chainAsset` to `recipient`
QuarkOperation memory bridgeQuarkOperation;
// TODO: implement get assetBalanceOnChain
uint256 transferAssetBalanceOnTargetChain = getAssetBalanceOnChain(assetSymbol, chainId, chainAccountsList);
// Note: User will always have enough payment token on destination chain, since we already check that in the MaxCostTooHigh() check
if (transferAssetBalanceOnTargetChain < amount) {
// Construct bridge operation if not enough funds on target chain
// TODO: bridge routing logic (which bridge to prioritize, how many bridges?)

// TODO: construct action contexts
if (payment.isToken) {
// wrap around paycall
} else {
address scriptAddress = getCodeAddress(codeJar, type(BridgeActions).creationCode);
bridgeQuarkOperation = QuarkOperation({
nonce: , // TODO: get next nonce
chainId: chainId,
scriptAddress: scriptAddress,
// TODO: Do we have a bridge action script?
scriptCalldata: abi.encodeWithSelector(BridgeActions.bridge.selector, recipient, amount),
scriptSources: scriptSources,
expiry: 99999999999 // TODO: never expire?

// Then, transfer `amount` of `chainAsset` to `recipient`
QuarkOperation memory transferQuarkOperation;
address scriptAddress = getCodeAddress(codeJar, type(TransferActions).creationCode);
// TODO: don't necessarily need scriptSources
bytes[] memory scriptSources = new bytes[](1);
scriptSources[0] = type(TransferActions).creationCode;
// TODO: construct action contexts
if (assetSymbol == "ETH") {
if (payment.isToken) {
// wrap around paycall
} else {
// Native ETH transfer
transferQuarkOperation = QuarkOperation({
nonce: , // TODO: get next nonce
chainId: chainId,
scriptAddress: scriptAddress,
scriptCalldata: abi.encodeWithSelector(TransferActions.transferNativeToken.selector, recipient, amount),
scriptSources: scriptSources,
expiry: 99999999999 // TODO: never expire?

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fluffywaffles Jun 6, 2024


I bet expiry is something the client will want to dictate.

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kevincheng96 Jun 6, 2024

Author Contributor

The client can pass in the current timestamp and the Builder can use that to construct a proper expiry for each operation.

} else {
if (payment.isToken) {
// wrap around paycall
} else {
// ERC20 transfer
transferQuarkOperation = QuarkOperation({
nonce: , // TODO: get next nonce
chainId: chainId,
scriptAddress: scriptAddress,
scriptCalldata: abi.encodeWithSelector(TransferActions.transferERC20Token.selector, token, recipient, amount),
scriptSources: scriptSources,
expiry: 99999999999 // TODO: never expire?

// TODO: construct QuarkOperation of size 1 or 2 depending on bridge or not
QuarkOperation[] memory operations = new QuarkOperation[](1);
return QuarkAction({
version: version,
actionType: actionType,
actionContext: actionContext,
operations: operations
// TODO: return these
struct BuilderResult {
// version of the builder interface. (Same as VERSION, but attached to the output.)
string version;
// array of quark operations to execute to fulfill the client intent
QuarkWallet.QuarkOperation[] quarkOperations;
// array of action context and other metadata corresponding 1:1 with quarkOperations
QuarkAction[] quarkActions;
// EIP-712 digest to sign for a MultiQuarkOperation to fulfill the client intent.
// Empty when quarkOperations.length == 0.
bytes multiQuarkOperationDigest;
// EIP-712 digest to sign for a single QuarkOperation to fulfill the client intent.
// Empty when quarkOperations.length != 1.
bytes quarkOperationDigest;
// client-provided paymentCurrency string that was used to derive token addresses.
// client may re-use this string to construct a request that simulates the transaction.
string paymentCurrency;

// With QuarkAction, we try to define fields that are as 1:1 as possible with the
// simulate endpoint request schema.
struct QuarkAction {
uint256 chainId;
string actionType;
bytes actionContext;
// One of the PAYMENT_METHOD_* constants.
string paymentMethod;
// Address of payment token on chainId.
// Null address if the payment method was OFFCHAIN.
address paymentToken;
uint256 paymentMaxCost;

// 1. Input validation (custom errors)
// 2. Constructing the operation
// a) Bridge operation (conditional)
// b) Wrap around Paycall/Quotecall (conditional)
// c) Transfer operation (non-conditional)
// 3. Constructing the BuilderResult (action contexts, eip-712 digest)

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