This API is rate limited and will return the following headers for each API call.
- X-RateLimit-Limit - The total number of requests allowed within a time period
- X-RateLimit-Remaining - The total number of requests still allowed until the end of the rate limiting period
- X-RateLimit-Reset - The number of seconds until the limit is fully reset
In addition, if an API client is rate limited, it will receive a HTTP 420 response with the following header:
- Retry-After - The number of seconds to wait until this request is allowed
This PowerShell module is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0-Beta
- SDK version: 0.2.2
- Generator version: 7.8.0-SNAPSHOT
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PowerShellClientCodegen
- PowerShell 6.2 or later
To install from the source, run the following command to build and install the PowerShell module locally:
Import-Module -Name '.\src\TorizonPlatformAPI' -Verbose
To avoid function name collision, one can use -Prefix
, e.g. Import-Module -Name '.\src\TorizonPlatformAPI' -Prefix prefix
To uninstall the module, simply run:
Remove-Module -FullyQualifiedName @{ModuleName = "TorizonPlatformAPI"; ModuleVersion = "0.2.2"}
To install and run Pester
, please execute the following commands in the terminal:
Install-module -name Pester -force
For troubleshooting, please run $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
to turn on debugging and disable it with $DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
when done with the troubleshooting.
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
TorizonPlatformAPIDeviceMetricsApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDeviceDataDevicesDeviceuuidMetrics | GET /device-data/devices/{deviceUuid}/metrics | Get metrics data from a single device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDeviceMetricsApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDeviceDataFleetsFleetidMetrics | GET /device-data/fleets/{fleetId}/metrics | Get aggregated metrics data from a fleet of devices |
TorizonPlatformAPIDeviceMetricsApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDeviceDataMetricNames | GET /device-data/metric-names | Get the list of metrics available in your repository |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Invoke-TorizonPlatformAPIDeleteDevicesDeviceuuid | DELETE /devices/{deviceUuid} | Delete a single device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevices | GET /devices | Query device information |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesDeviceuuid | GET /devices/{deviceUuid} | Get detailed information about a single device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesNameDeviceuuid | GET /devices/name/{deviceUuid} | Get the display name of a single device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesNetwork | GET /devices/network | Get network information for many devices |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesNetworkDeviceuuid | GET /devices/network/{deviceUuid} | Get network information for a single device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesNotesDeviceuuid | GET /devices/notes/{deviceUuid} | Get the device notes for a specific device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesPackages | GET /devices/packages | Get information about the installed packages for many devices |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesPackagesDeviceuuid | GET /devices/packages/{deviceUuid} | Get information about the installed packages for a single device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesToken | GET /devices/token | Retrieve device provisioning token |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesUptaneDeviceuuidAssignment | GET /devices/uptane/{deviceUuid}/assignment | Show detailed information about the currently-assigned update for a single device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesUptaneDeviceuuidComponents | GET /devices/uptane/{deviceUuid}/components | Get a list of the software components reported by a single device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Submit-TorizonPlatformAPIDevices | POST /devices | Manually create a new device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Send-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesNameDeviceuuid | PUT /devices/name/{deviceUuid} | Set the display name of a single device |
TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesApi | Send-TorizonPlatformAPIDevicesNotesDeviceuuid | PUT /devices/notes/{deviceUuid} | Set the device notes for a specific device |
TorizonPlatformAPIFleetsApi | Invoke-TorizonPlatformAPIDeleteFleetsFleetid | DELETE /fleets/{fleetId} | Delete a fleet |
TorizonPlatformAPIFleetsApi | Invoke-TorizonPlatformAPIDeleteFleetsFleetidDevices | DELETE /fleets/{fleetId}/devices | Remove devices from a fleet |
TorizonPlatformAPIFleetsApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIFleets | GET /fleets | Get information about all fleets in your repository |
TorizonPlatformAPIFleetsApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIFleetsFleetidDevices | GET /fleets/{fleetId}/devices | Get information about the devices in a single fleet |
TorizonPlatformAPIFleetsApi | Submit-TorizonPlatformAPIFleets | POST /fleets | Create a new fleet |
TorizonPlatformAPIFleetsApi | Submit-TorizonPlatformAPIFleetsFleetidDevices | POST /fleets/{fleetId}/devices | Add devices to a fleet |
TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesApi | Invoke-TorizonPlatformAPIDeletePackagesPackageid | DELETE /packages/{packageId} | Delete a package |
TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIPackages | GET /packages | Retrieve metadata about packages in your repository |
TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesExternal | GET /packages_external | Retrieve metadata about packages in your repository from other sources |
TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesExternalInfo | GET /packages_external/info | Fetch information about external package sources |
TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesExternalRefreshSourceFileName | GET /packages_external/refresh/{source_file_name} | Refresh metadata from an external package source |
TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesApi | Invoke-TorizonPlatformAPIPatchPackagesPackageid | PATCH /packages/{packageId} | Edit metadata about a package |
TorizonPlatformAPIPackagesApi | Submit-TorizonPlatformAPIPackages | POST /packages | Upload a new package |
TorizonPlatformAPIUpdatesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPILockboxDetails | GET /lockbox-details | List all existing lockboxes on the repository, and their detailed contents |
TorizonPlatformAPIUpdatesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPILockboxes | GET /lockboxes | List all existing lockboxes on the repository |
TorizonPlatformAPIUpdatesApi | Get-TorizonPlatformAPILockboxesLockboxName | GET /lockboxes/{lockbox_name} | Get the raw Uptane metadata for a lockbox |
TorizonPlatformAPIUpdatesApi | Invoke-TorizonPlatformAPIPatchUpdates | PATCH /updates | Cancel a pending update for one or more devices |
TorizonPlatformAPIUpdatesApi | Submit-TorizonPlatformAPILockboxesLockboxName | POST /lockboxes/{lockbox_name} | Define a new lockbox, or update an existing one |
TorizonPlatformAPIUpdatesApi | Submit-TorizonPlatformAPIUpdates | POST /updates | Launch an update to one or more devices or fleets |
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.BadRequestRepr
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.ClientSignature
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.ConflictRepr
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.CreateFleet
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.CreateLockboxRequest
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.CustomUpdateData
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.DelegationInfo
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.DeviceCreateReq
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.DeviceInfoBasic
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.DeviceInfoExtended
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.DevicePackage
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.DevicePackages
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.DeviceSort
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.DeviceSortDirection
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.DeviceStatus
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.EcuInfoImage
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.EcuInfoResponse
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.EditPackage
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.ErrorRepresentation
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.ExternalPackage
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.FileInfo
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.Fleet
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.FleetType
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.Image
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.InstalledPackage
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.JsonSignedPayload
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.MetricsResponse
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.NetworkInfo
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.NotFoundRepr
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.Package
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.PackageInfo
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.PaginationResultDeviceInfoBasic
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.PaginationResultDevicePackages
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.PaginationResultExternalPackage
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.PaginationResultFleet
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.PaginationResultNetworkInfo
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.PaginationResultPackage
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.PaginationResultString
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.ProvisionInfo
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.QueueResponse
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.RangeNotSatisfiableRepr
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.Series
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.SeriesMeta
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.SignatureMethod
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.SimpleDeviceInfo
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.SimpleDeviceNotAffectedInfo
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.TargetImage
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.TimeAggregation
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.TimeAggregationMethod
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.Tuple2DeviceTagIdDeviceTagValue
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.Tuple2LongOptionDouble
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.UpdateCreateResult
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.UpdateRequest
- TorizonPlatformAPI\Model.UpstreamEndpointErrorRepr
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication