Releases: commaai/opencv-python-builder ubuntu-24.04
update for ubuntu 24.04 ubuntu-20.04
Compiled with CUDA v.12.1.0, with support for compute architectures 6.1, 7.5, 8.6 and 8.9 (for 1080Ti, T600, 3080/3090 and 4090 respectively) with python 3.11
Build command:
Compiled with CUDA v.11.8.0, with support for compute architectures 6.1, 7.5, 8.6 and 8.9 (for 1080Ti, T600, 3080/3090 and 4090 respectively) with python 3.11
Build command:
Compiled with CUDA v.11.8.0, with support for compute architectures 6.1, 7.5, and 8.6 (for 1080Ti, T600 and 3080/3090, respectively) with python 3.11
Build command:
Compiled with CUDA v.11.8.0, with support for compute architectures 6.1, 7.5, and 8.6 (for 1080Ti, T600 and 3080/3090, respectively).
Build command:
Compiled with CUDA v.11.3.1, with support for compute architectures 6.1, 7.5, and 8.6 (for 1080Ti, T600 and 3080/3090, respectively).
Build command:
Compiled with CUDA v.11.3.1, with support for compute architectures 6.1, 7.5, and 8.6 (for 1080Ti, T600 and 3080/3090, respectively).
Build command: